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 The Devil's Contract--[Private]

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 10:47 pm

Letters, they were sent out to four demons that weren’t, exactly, a part of the normal group of demons that were accepted into society. All of them were obviously known for those things that had made them outcasts to even the demons. Though, they weren’t exactly famous, or infamous, they just happened to have some background stories to them that were easy enough for Drakel to hear of in random places that he had gone. So, he had used a demon messaging service that would allow the letters to be delivered without their movements to be traced, this was due to a connection that he had still had, though this was the one favor he believed he would ever have to ask of. The reptilian demon stood, blending in the shadows though his appearance only being noticed because of the eyes blinking on his cloak, hysteria, this could distract someone depending on their interest in the cloak, though only some naïve children had ever fell for this tactic. The lush green trees and the dense jungle trees made this area dark, and hard to find, though, he had given the longitude and latitude to all of them so they would know how to locate this area. A small cave, one protecting of heat the deeper you were, though, It was relatively small, only being able to hold about, ten people at once, and at that capacity it would be cramped. His hood covered his face, though; the eyes near the rims made it seem as if he was looking at you. The crimson eyes would easily remind them of the ones that he had on his actual body once he would allow them to see it. There was a sheet of paper on the table surrounding by four other chairs, he himself sat at one, leaned back, and in a calm mannerism began to wait for their arrival. This, sheet of paper, was something that would ensure their existence, something that would allow them all too somehow survive, and the only drawbacks were—not something they would want to risk having. However, that would be explained in due time, as soon as they arrived in the area however and they all took their places. ”This place seems less than…suitable for a discussion but will have to do, I cannot risk revealing my location to them for they may, refuse, which will be unacceptable, however, if they all reject, will I honestly be able to kill them?” The reptilian warrior said this to himself, speaking within the own confinement of his mine, he looked up, seeing the blue cloudless sky, though, only barely, for the branches in this area were far and long, not to mention, at this time of year, luscious and bushy. Giving them all cover from any other demons, which had wished to…interfere with the actions that he wished to take upon this day.

OoC: Keep the post length 400-500 words. That way this can go somewhere quickly, while actually having a purpose to it and helping develop our characters.
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Bitch of Nightmares

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 4:59 am

There was another creature stalking the woods that night. Tall, nearly six feet. Large hooves, tri-fingered. A demoness known as a Succubus. Down on all fours, lurking silently through the flora, the red skinned creature tilted her head, and shook her black mane of locks back behind her field of vision. Her wings curled to the heat and humidity of the world around her, and the creature cherished every moment. She wasn't wearing her armor today, only the two garments which were really essential for women to wear. Part of her felt it a mistake. But so long as her staff was tied securely to her back, she felt no fear.
The heat...that sweet, delicious feeling...Divine missed it. The humidity was heavenly for her skin, which had been dry and uncomfortable in the human owned areas. They never let their forests grow out...everything was a manmade wasteland of concrete and metal. The demoness despised the cities the humans built. If you were a demon, it was an armored fortress which hardly any could enter and exit without a little trouble.
Of course, if you were was much easier. She had special talents.

One of them was flying. Flying was dangerous, sure, especially out in human territories, and even in the demon owned zones one couldn't be too careful. But most demons knew that if it was flying, it was probably too strong for something on the ground, but for a few exceptions.
Another was Illusions. Divine loved toying with her meals with a little bit of magic making. It was fun looking into someone's deepest desires, and suddenly making them pop into thin air. Excellent method of torture. Amusing method of entertainment.
Her last good talent was....simply put, being female. Of course, it sometimes put her at a disadvantage, especially needing a good meal after some while, but nevertheless...

Divine was lurking through the fauna infested jungles, slowly and silently passing by the plants as she watched...and waited for her caller. Apparently, there was something important going on...something that peaked her interests....something that could, potentially, help her destroy the Law and Chaos factions, and unite the world...while getting a few good meals in the process. Her green pupils scanned the area, and she snorted. There were so many scents around this area, that it was difficult to find the one she was looking for, and it began to annoy her deeply. There weren't many humans left in the jungle with other demons hunting them down like game, so it was hard to a Succubus to get a good meal anymore.

Furrowing her brow, Divine noticed she'd run across a pool of water, filled with fresh life, and licked her raven lips with thirst. On all fours, like some strange cat, she bent herself down to lap up the water with her long tongue, her tail wagging happily.

If anybody is foolish enough to attack me.... She chuckled, They don't call me Mad Claw for nothing...and I am hungry. I'll eat a woman if I have to.
For a moment, Divine grimaced at the thought. Succubus hated eating women. They were too soft, and something about it simply didn't seem....right. But there were a couple crazy ones who did go after women for meals. Divine herself had had to put up with such a thing for a night while trying to lasso in a meal....but only put up with it for so long. The human girl who had dared to touch her, though she had been in disguise as a human and Divine didn't care for that form in particular, was now long dead. The demoness reserved her body for only her meals, and her meals alone.

She was still drinking, this time feigning innocence to lure any attackers near her. Perhaps if she did so, and killed something, her caller may reveal himself.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 10:25 am

He knew that this was the place in which they or he or whoever had sent the letter pretty much it was obvious they weren't much of a people's person though this really didn't matter to him at all whatsoever. As he had finally started to walk through this jungle trench. His black running shoes were stained with blood, the black skinny jean's which he had on held close to him finding that it was better to simply wear these type of clothes rather then the usual clothes you would find on people. Upon his jean's was grey belt attached onto the belt was a medium sized combat knife on his belt. A medium size pouch on the side of his belt holding a couple knive's could be seen as well though he didn't have any shirt on now since he didn't see the use for one since he was in the jungle or something very similar to that of a jungle. Though one of the two more noticeable feature's of the boy was the fact that his hair was a sliver grey with a red streak's going down the side of the boy hair, however the hair was striaghtened so it was falling over his eye's right now the boy's red iris could barely be seen through his hair. Another and even more noticeable feature of the boy was that a large sword could be seen strapped onto his back wrapped with a with a black cloth the same color as the handle of the sword. Another noticeable feature was that he had a large silver board strapped onto his back, the two of these looked as though they made an X on his back. Though as he kept walking throught this place he found it to be kinda nice as he walked in the darkened lucious green to his end destination. Though for a moment when he had reached a place a lake or some sort with water he saw a creature, he would have killed it however he was busy so the creature had gotten lucky for today. A couple more minutes of walking and using the earth to push some of the tree's out of his way he found himself before a small cave. Slowly he began to walk in it and once more he found himself before another creature most likely the one who had asked him to come here in the first place. Slowly as he stepped in he didn't speak at all he simply looked at him for a moment as and then put his hand on the chair diagonal from the one who was sitting down right their he picked up the chair then sent it flying towards the wall instantly smashing the chair. He then stood where the chair just was raising his left hand a little from his side with two of his finger's rasing them up about a medium-sized stool appear same height as the rest of the chair's as he sat down he simply looked up to his toward's his host. Seeing the other chair's he obviously realized he wasn't the only one who was going to be here so for now he had no other choice but to simply await for other's to show themselves or get here just like he did. So simply leaning the stool back and forth for a moment or so he was looking randomly this way and that way no one else could really see where he was looking since his hair still was over his eye's and he didn't move his head. So with a simple yawn he took out one of the knives on the pouch on the side of his pant's throwing the knife in his hand up and down out of boredom while he awaited to see what would really happen when the rest showed up.
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The Phoenix

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 9:45 pm

"Damn it!" How do humans walk all the time? I'd much rather be flying..." Selena had gotten a mysterious letter directing her to an area within this wretched jungle of South America. Sure, she loved South America for the heat, for the liveliness, and the beauty of it all, but she resented the fact that she would have to trek through an entire humid jungle. She couldn't risk flying up in the air as much as she wanted to. Not only was it dangerous, she ran the possibility of being tracked until her final destination. As this crossed her mind, for the first time since she received the letter, she actually wondered if this was safe. She was a nobody. Why would anybody be looking to meet with her. It may have been a trap. Yet, something in the back of Selena's mind told her that it was not; and that same voice told her that refusal was not an option. Selena scowled more and more as she went deeper into the trench. Bugs were biting her, sharp tree limbs and underbrush were cutting her, and she detested it all. But at least she was making great progress. She usually moved swiftly, but her eagerness to find her final destination left her walking rapidly, leaving her wishing that she had some sort of land based, small transportation system, like a motorcycle. Hell, she'd settle for a skateboard at this point; though she did doubt she'd make much progress with all the vines and roots crossing the terrain. Selena wondered if she was the only one going to this "meeting" as she had decided to call it, but really doubted it. The letter seemed to be sent by one person in a very discrete manner. Surely somebody would not be there alone if anything were to go..wrong. She smiled at her thoughts and brushed her fingers against the dagger pouch on the right side of her hip without realizing it. Speaking of alone, that was one thing she wasn't. She had been walking fast and almost didn't notice at first, but Selena stopped and realized there was a demon of some sort drinking from a pond. Selena stood there for about 3 seconds having forgotten about her original goal, but remembered that she looked human, and risked the chances of being attacked. She hastily kept walking forward and found herself facing some sort of cave. Assuming that this was the spot, she went inside. Selena immediately found herself in the midst of two people. One was obviously human, and she assumed the other one was as well, if he was sitting so calm with another demon in his presence. Selena saw empty chairs, decided more were coming, and took a seat next to the silver haired one. She stole a glance at him. He was pretty attractive, yet she couldn't find any demonic features about him. With a start, she remembered that she too looked human, blushed, and turned to face the sheet of paper in front of her, wondering what was going to occur next.
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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 8:21 am

"A letter, how curious." Searlocke had never been to South America before, yet a letter sent by a mysterious person or group of people, she didn't know, brought her here. And she was beggining to like South America. The heat, humidity, stickyness; none of it bothered her. In fact, she could get used to living in South America. However excited Searlocke was to figure out what this mysterious letter was all about, she was also nervous. She knew very well that this could be a trap and if things went wrong, there was a chance she'd get killed. She doubted she'd be able to fight off whomever sent her here, assuming they were a demon. It was a risk, and a big chance. This chance, given by the mysetrious letter sender, was to big not to take. Searlocke couldn't help but wonder why anyone would want to meet with her. It wasn't like she was famous, or infamous for that matter. In fact, she had no idea how this person had figured out about her. Searlocke pondered upon these things as walked through the jungle. The jungle was thick, lush, green and vines were tripping all over each other. Searlocke hopped ni,mbly over them, and she thought the jungle was beautiful. Although she was anxious to see what the letter was about, she took her time walking through the jungle. After all, this was her first time in South America, let alone the human world. She wanted to remember this. The jungle wasn't as big as she expected, and for the first time, as Searlocke got near the end of the jungle she considered the fact that she may not be the only one to get the letter. In which case, that changed everything. After all, being with others would make her feel safe. As Searlocke looked out to a pond near her, she saw a demon drinking water. Searlocke froze. "Thats one scary demon," she thought. She had never seen such a demon before. Not wanting to attract any attention, she kept moving towards a cave which she hoped was the meeting spot. Inside the cave were three other people, demons Searlocke would have guessed if it wasn't for no visible traits. Obviously she was right: this was the meeting spot and others had got this letter. Searlocke looked over her companions silently. One was a very pretty girl with a design on her hat and tie, and two were interesting looking boys. Searlocke thought she should say hello, but decided against it in case they weren't peaceful. She wondered which one called her here as she slid into a chair.
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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 10:31 am

It seemed that there had been three new guests to arrive into the cave, making four fifths of the expected members to be in the location. As, they all sit down he had analyzed who they were, now taking in the scents while still remaining hidden, it would be a logical thing to do at this point before anything happened. He spoke, his normal voice now coming from his voice, though slightly echoing since he was the deepest in the cave, though, it hadn’t been all that deep to begin with. “Well, it seems most of us are here, we however, have to wait for one more arrival before we can get started.” A calm tone was given in that portion of speech that he had demonstrated. Each eye continuously blinked separately, the pupils moving seeming to analyze the guests though there was no way Drakel could see with them, he had used his real eyes to see their appearance and could roughly tell that they had demonic features. If it wasn’t for knowing they were demons he would have never assumed they were, luckily, they were good at disguising themselves, this would prove quite useful for missions. The wind blew, his cloak shuffling, hopefully the members wouldn’t get impatient, for, that wouldn’t be the wisest thing to do, getting someone irritated while trying to persuade them into joining your cause.

OoC: Okay, Divine, get your ass in here so we can get this started, no sexual innuendo <.< Yes short post, but why bother with useless description that no one else would be able to use in their posts and contains no quality in it whatsoever? You'd get the same information either way.
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Bitch of Nightmares

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 10:48 am

((D:> Awww, no innuendo? You got my hopes up too.))

Something caught her sense of smell. Something semisweet. Female.
Divine quickly stood, sniffing the air blithely, searching for the location of this potential threat. It soon led her to a cave. The writer was obviously too lazy to actually come up with something decent enough to make Divine actually come to the cave.

There in the middle of the cavern sat a bunch of demons she'd never met before. Now the Succubus's guard was up. She didn't like company she didn't know.

"So...where's the party? She said, sitting in the last remaining chair, putting her hooves on the table and winking at the male demon suggestively. "I like being fashionably late....but now I wanna know...what's going on? I'm not going to be here all day; I'm rather famished," the demoness added, licking her raven lips.

((Razz There, happy?))
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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 12:01 pm

It now seemed that all of the members were here, it was now interesting, to see the differences between all of the creatures here. The eyes all closed, and stayed that way, now just showing a solid black cloak, though, as he grabbed his hood, one eye opened, it was in the same position that his third eye w as in, so as he removed his hood it seemed as if the eye hadn’t moved, though that was a mild illusion that he had played to give himself some more mystical appearance. “Well, where shall I begin. Let me first introduce myself, Divine and I have met, face to face…in a sense, before. Though to the rest of you, call me, Drakel.” He said this, his voice calm and relaxed, his hands now cupped as he leaned on the table with his elbows. His human eyes scanned, his demon eyes just kept blinking as if no one was there ignoring the existence of all of the demons here. “Well, as I’m sure you all know, the lawful demons want to run this world, the chaotic ones wish to destroy it. We all may have our different reasons, though, I believe we can all agree on destroying both sides, and that includes the humans who wish to continue to fight to control the demons. I, myself, have my own….personal reasons, though I wish to assemble a force in which, we are all equals, and have an equal say. So, if you don’t mind, everyone introduce yourselves before continuing, this meeting of ours.”

OoC: Fuck Length I'm busy >.>
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 12:24 pm

The boy stared off for a moment as he still threw the knife in the air catching it by the handle each time not missing off a beat. The boy began to simply rock back and forth once more in the stool still throwing the knife in the air. As he heard the word's this one had finally spoke something told him he was actually serious, but he actually employed him if you knew even one thing about onyx it would pretty much take about more then a miracle to get him to explain himself let alone even trust another. Once more he took one more look around the room and then at the one called divine, the creature who was getting a drink earlier he saw outside. The other one looked to be really young, though the one next to him onyx looked over at once however he looked at her again the very moment he did this he stopped throwing the knife in the air for a second looking over at the one who was sitting next to him. Quickly the boy looked back forward as he was wrapped in thought's for a moment, usually when onyx looked at someone twice it either meant he prolonged their death or he wanted to kill them right their on the spot no matter what he had to do. Though with this girl it was neither he couldn't make out the feeling and it angered so forcing his mind to get back on track the boy gripped the knife in his hand. It wasn't long before his hand had started to bleed however he was fine with this it once the first he forced himself to get over something by bleeding. He didn't look down at his wound or pay this any mind what so ever he simply once more breathed as he cracked his neck then put his arm's on the table stretching them. "Onyx.....that's all anyone here need's to know." He said his tone wasn't serious and he didn't speak with his accent finding no one here deserved to know where he came from at least yet. Onyx slowly leaned back on the stool again taking his arm's off the table as now he had put his own blood on the table. Though once more he found himself looking at them all again especially the one who just spoke and the one sitting down next to him. Something about these he felt as though he was going to a liking to his little group member's which had setteled for their meeting here or at least enough not to kill them...well some of them anyways.
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Bitch of Nightmares

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 12:46 pm

The demoness looked around the room with her green pupils and drummed her tri-fingered hands on the table.
"I am Divine. I am a Sorceress, and a member of the Demon Race Nocturnes, and of the family Succubus. I was exiled for using my claws. That is why I am here."

Divine looked at the face in the dark room, and snorted. There were three supposed humans sitting around the table, looking at her in her real form, and the fourth who was in a cloak.
" all hide yourselves as humans in a demon owned land...are you so stupid? We are safe here, why disguise in such silly fashions? Don't tell me you LIKE looking like hairless apes!

Not that Divine had room to talk, since she had a Human Illusion....but she only used it when she had to. But the words this Drakel, the reptile demon she'd met in Asia, were exactly what she wanted to hear.
"I am glad for once that some other demon than myself sees the whole picture here. We are doing nothing but destroying ourselves, true enough, but how do you suppose that a group of demons such as ourselves will defeat both Law and Chaos...not only in demons but in humans as well? It would take an army of more than a simple five, Drakel."
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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 2:38 pm

A boy named drakel was the first to speak. He had three eyes, which was an interessting feature, if a bit creepy. So he was the one that called the demons to the cave. And for a reason. He wanted to assemble a "force." While she wasn't opposed to the idea, Searlocke wanted more information on the idea if she was to agree to anything.

Then Onyx, who didn't seem to be one for the sharing of information. But that was understood in these circumstances.

And Divine next, the scary looking demon by the pond. After completely her little speach, Searlocke deemed her as a little unfriendly and a bit more scary. Searlocke looked at her. "I take it you don't like humans then, Divine?" It wasn't meant to come out as a question but it did.

"Uh...I'm Searlocke, a monkey demon. My clan got killed so I guess thats why I'm here" She unfurled her tail. "No particular reason for hiding my tail, Divine. I think it's just more comfortable. And while I'm interested in your idea Drakel, Divine does have a point."
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The Phoenix

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 11:50 pm

The way Selena saw it, things were finally starting to warm up. Thankfully, Selena had not been the last one to arrive. That was the girl named Searlocke, a girl of an interesting race of demons; monkey demons. Everybody else had introduced themselves as well. The one who had brought them hear was Drakel. For some strange reason, while he came off as intimidating, she knew that his cause was solid, and he could be trusted. After him, the silver haired boy whom Selena had taken a liking too said his name, Onyx, and revealed nothing more. Meanwhile, the demon that followed had been more eager to speak, not only introducing herself, but also insulting Onyx, Searlocke, and herself. So it was Divine whom she addressed first. She wasn't going to be sarcastic or put contempt in her response to Divine's question and insult. She was merely going to state the truth. Why start something so early in this "alliance"? "It's not that I enjoy looking like a human, Divine. Though, don't you think it'd be kinda awkward if i spread my wings in a small cave, especially if I'm sitting? I'd much rather be comfortable." Then Selena suddenly smiled and gave a sideways glance to Onxy. "Besides, I think that if I had my wings out, Onyx would be slightly annoyed at the fact that he would have feathers in his face." Selena paused, remembering that she had to introduce herself and continued. "My name is Selena and I'm of the avian demon family. Nothing else to say really other than my parents were killed and i joined a gang. I'm neutral in the fight between humans and demons so I can't help but to agree with all of you. Well, the one's that gave more details than their names of course." she said referring to Onyx. Was he so guarded as to only give his name? Selena was pretty much finished talking so she reached for the pouch that was her shirt near her ribs, pulled out a dagger and started twirling it around her fingers.
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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 12:24 am

“Now, I don’t need to hear of you details, I believe one word will let you know, that I’m well informed. ‘Sparta’.” He looked around, interested in what everyone had to say, just replying to onyx, he being the only one he had interrupted. It seemed everyone had completed their introductions, explaining what they were and some portion of their past, excluding Onyx, he was more enclosed, but, due to there, somewhat interlinked past he couldn’t help but smile at the reactions of all the people, and how his was the most…humorous. All of them seemed to come to one conclusion, they had agreed, but wanted to know, how they could stop all of this with only the five of them. “Onyx, Selena, Divine, Searlocke, you see, it isn’t a matter of numbers, it is what we do with them. You see, this is more of a revolution, we aren’t the only forces, and we are merely the leaders. I see us all as equals; of course your opinions may vary.” He stood up, letting his tail now move freely behind him, the ivory extension of the spine now swaying back and forth. Now, as he began to speak once again, his voice would seem just as confident as before, though a little more laid back, as if there was nothing to worry about and no faults in their plan. “We will all have our separate pawns, we cannot deny that. All we must do is let those pawns handle the others, and once we do that, we oppose the leaders, without the leaders, all sides will eventually destroy themselves. Those who envied the power will step up, those who felt they deserve the power will step up, and those people, will start conflicts within themselves. And our work will be done, yes, a slow process but the most secure, or at least for phase one.” He took a breath, now walking out of the cave, standing right in front of it, his hands behind his back and his hood now on once again, the eyes continuing to blink. “I would like to discuss the rest of the planning, yet, how can I be sure that you will all stay? I need, to, have…insurance…for a lack of better words. Are you all ready to listen to your requirements? If not, then you may leave now before I continue, free of harm. Oh, and Onyx, before you make any decisions, I doubt you’d want me to tell them, correct?” He said a smile forming across his face, Onyx was the only one he had to worry about, he was eccentric, like, Drakel, only, he hadn’t learned the art of manipulation, something that Drakel had used scarcely. “If you need something for the blood, I will gladly help out.” The smile now gone his face serious, and still unseen., the hood to low for his face to be revealed even if they had been looking at him directly In the face, it would seem as if he was looking down, though, he hadn’t been. His eyes were closed and he somewhat bathed in the heat radiating from the sun, momentarily anyway before stepping back into the cave. Luckily trees had provided shade, for if not, the sun would have been, unbearable, in a sense, and he couldn’t afford to show any of his comrades, or, potential comrades to be more precise to see any signs or weakness or irritation.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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The Devil's Contract--[Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 1:17 pm

Sparta the moment that word was said his ear's perked up as every muscle in his body had jolted forward he wanted right now more then life itself to kill drakel for dare even saying that name. Even mention the letter S reffering to it would have made onyx feel the very same way though this didn't matter. The bastard had him locked in the corner and for the first time in a very long time he was helpless. For a moment the boy raised his bloody arm putting it on his katana the very moment he did flames began to engulf the Cloth holding and hiding the katana from the world. His eye's turned bloodshot red and were very visible through his straightened hair as his muscles began to become more and more clearly visible. Suddenly onyx the moment he was about to leaped forward he stopped still sitting down now with his head toward's the ground he looked up again toward's drakel staring him down, sizing him up ready to kill him. Now wasn't the time though nothing could be revealed about him, he felt as though no one should even know. No one had the right's to know the demon's past however drakel did and it seemed as though he wasn't afraid to let them know and onyx had a problem with that. He wiped the blood on the wall as it began to drip to the floor, onyx merely looked down once more for a moment he made no movement it looked as though he stopped breathing. Right there he placed the katana back on it's holder on his back, slowly the black cloth which wrapped around it earlier reappeared on the blade. Slowly he took one small breath in then sighed looking to his side at the girl now known as selena, looking at her for a moment he then turned around to the one who called him. "Well fine then.....I'm in, the plan's obviously fair enough to work........however, there are first matters more pressing I must attend to. Before I start with this grand master plan.....I must find a place within Germany....then...well anyone who wishes to know shall simply have to come along for the ride.......though your life cannot be promised and you will have no other choice but to display your skill's.." At this moment his head turned toward's them all then back towark drakel as he slowly began to calm himself down the blood from his wound began to fall to the floor. Though for a moment he threw a glance towards selena finding himself looking at her again once more still the reason was unknown to him. Simply sighing he then simply looked up towards drakel awaiting his and the rest of their responses to what he had just meant.

Last edited by Onyx on Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 3:06 pm

Even though he wasn’t watching he was sure that he gotten to Onyx, it was obvious by the severity of the situation, after all Sparta wasn’t just any old father. “Germany, hmm, interesting...I’m in. If anyone else wishes to find out you may come along, we shall continue this meeting after we return, understood?” He now walked out of the cave, his tail still swaying freely, the snow like extension seemed to be overly, excited today, and maybe he was anxious as to what was going to come? Though, no one would notice since, they hadn’t been accustomed to his tail’s movements. Though, possibly Divine, yet she never knew how he was when calm, or when not expecting to fight on that day. The eyes continued to blink, creating the optical illusion again. “So, Onyx, I assume you have the coordinates? And for the rest of you how do you expect to arrive there? I plan to use my own vehicle; however it will only fit two, and will be extremely cramped, allowing extremely little movement. So I’m assuming that all of you would rather not use my…method of transportation.” His hands now went into the cloak pockets using his tongue to sense the area, making sure that no one would interrupt them, and there discussion, there had been movement, but he recognized it, just merely another group of creatures, looking for prey, though they were avoiding this area, or at least leaving, as if they had found something else. This would soon be them, coordinating as a group, to eliminate the enemy. Hmm, things seem to be going…for the better.
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Bitch of Nightmares

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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 4:39 pm

Divine huffed, clicking her tongue in response to the silly answers these demons had in response to her question, and turned her attention to this...Onyx character. He seemed uptight, wound a little too much around the cog. Something about sparta got him aggravated. The demoness chuckled a little to herself, making a mental note to use that against him if she had to in the future.

"What is the meaning of this, Drakel? You call us to South America for a meeting, and now we're going to move to this silly Eurotrash country? What exactly do you plan to do?" Her tail flicked furiously behind her, and Divine let her wings unfurl, showing their span in a most threatening fashion. "I DON'T like being tested, reptile. What is your acursed plan?! IF you're going to rid of the Law and Chaos sides, you had best begin telling us just what this plan is....If it requires us going to another Chaos-infested hellhole, I will go....But I will fly....and it will be alone," She said, giving Selena a look which was sheerly challenging her flight.

"I don't like humans," the Succubus replied to the primate's question, a little cooled off now that she'd stated just what she wanted to ask, "They think we're all the same. They deem we who are neutral with either Law or Chaos side. They fail to realize we are more similar than they think we are. We love, we hate...we sometimes judge before we know things for truth...and make mistakes....we have families and cultures, complex societies, however different....All that varies are our looks, and hardly they vary from one another."
Divine pointed to her own body to make a point. There were scarcely any sort of real variations from a human body, except the color of her skin...the tail, the horns, the hooves...the wings....the need to feed on males in order to survive....

"THAT is why I even bothered coming here. I want to see what you're going to do about it...and if it's an actual plan, something that will work....I will join you gladly, and give you my loyalties. If not, I deem you all incompetent, and simply continue with my own plans of destruction."

(( .-. lol...Germany.....Do we get to kill Neo-Nazis?))
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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 11:43 am

Searlocke perked up just a bit as Drakel began to talk. At first, she had no idea what he was talking about. He mentioned something about Sparta; such a thing had no meaning to Searlocke, but it was implied that Drakel knew something she did not. As a result, it meant something to Onyx who tensed after hearing the word. It had no effect on anyone else, and Searlocke wished she knew why the word was important. She tried hard not to stare at Onyx as he reacted to 'Sparta, but that had caught her attention. She didn't dare pry though; he looked on the point of murder. As Searlocke listened to Drakel speak of how everything was going to work, she decided that the idea appealed to her, until she heard that there were going to be requirements. She wasn't a fan of being tested, and felt she shouldn't need to prove herself.

However, that wasn't important at the moment apparently. There were more pressing matters at hand. Onyx was in, to which Searlocke was extremely surprised, but he had to go to Germany on some mission to which Drakel agreed to, as did Divine, but she didn't seem to happy about it. More then half of them were in, and Searlocke knew it was too late to back out although she didn't particulairy want to go to Germany. She sighed a bit before speaking, first talking to Divine who had answered her question in a very interesting manner.

"I see....I hadn't thought of it that way before, but it makes sense." Despite Divine's personality, Searlocke found herself thinking that she actually liked the Succubus.

"I guess I'm in," Searlocke said. As she spoke the words she realized she had no means of getting to Germany. Selena and Divine had wings, although Divine made it clear the she wasn't going to be travelling with Selena. She did not know how Onyx was getting there, but she guessed he had a vehicle, as did Drakel - which could fit two people, if they squeezed together. Not the most comfortable way of travelling but in this situation, Searlocke had no choice. "However, I don't have any means of transportation...So, sorry Drakel for the incoveinence but you vehicle fits two, correct? If thats the case then, may I ride with you?" Searlocke really hoped he said yes, for if he didn't, she'd apparently be walking to germany.
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The Phoenix

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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 12:30 pm

Selena inwardly groaned. She had traveled so far just to get to a small cramped cave full of strangers in the middle of South America, and all of a sudden, everyone was going to Germany. It had happened all to quick. One moment, Drakel had mentioned the name (or place) Sparta, proving that he was well informed, and the next, Onyx was filled with an unmistakable rage and fury. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to kill Drakel, and as he prepared for what seem like an assault on the reptile demon, Onyx suddenly sat down and appeared very calm, yet not breathing. He had looked at her before he spoke, speaking of his acceptance of the plan, and the need to find a place within Germany, inviting everyone else to come along with him. Yet, he spoke warnings and quickly assured that whoever came along would need to show their talents. He stopped speaking, turning his back to Drakel, glancing at her once, and said no more, clearly waiting to see if people were going to go. Drakel was the first to join, making it clear that this meeting wasn't over and would continue upon return. Divine had spoke her mind before agreeing to anything (No surprise Selena thought) but Selena didn't mind because she and Divine were on the same page, plan wise. The unfurling of the wings was absolutely unnecessary and pointless, and a little bit of her temper was shown. In the end, she agreed to go, but couldn't end without challenging Selena's flight skills with the look she gave. Selena remained quiet and responded to this challenge with a bored look. She was an avian demon for Christ's sake. The fact that Selena deemed herself above everybody else whether right or wrong was a little annoying, but she'd be able to ignore her easily. The last one to go along for the ride besides Selena was Searlocke, who apparently needed a way to get there and was asking Drakel to take her. Selena really doubted he would, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Knowing that Selena couldn't put it off any longer, she agreed to go to this "Eurotrash" country, as Divine had put it. "I dunno what kind of matters you must attend in Germany, Onyx, but I want to go as well. I actually haven't had to do anything fun in a while so kicking ass should be rewarding. I'll go flying as well." She looked around. Everyone had agreed to go and there was nothing left to do now but actually do it.

(sorry its short x3 working on homework worth two test grades and when i tried to do it yesterday, computer crashed)
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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 1:22 pm

"Unfortunately Searlocke...due to events" He said pausing as his eyes shifted towards Divine, glinting with the remembrance of the moment before continuing. "I'm not allowed to...I Apologize" As he now turned looking at onyx once again he had begun to spoke. "So, where are we going exactly?" He said, his eyes still under the hood that he had put on, when he previously exited the cave for the moment.

((Fucking appointments, gotta go, don't like the short post? Deal with it bitch.))

OoC: Edited fucked up colors

Last edited by Drakel on Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Bitch of Nightmares

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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 1:26 pm

Divine rolled her eyes.
"I'll carry the monkey then...since Drakel won't take her."
She showed her wings, unfurling them and flapping them, casting wind about the place. Impressive wingspan.

(if you bitch about this, heads will roll. I'm on my itouch.)
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 2:44 pm

As everyone began to talk onyx eye's were closed however you couldn't even notice the way he was sitting, that and his hair got in the way of his eye's already. Taking everyone's response's the one he took in the least was divine's response, he could hear the arrogance and he didn't like it. When they all finished speaking it was obvious that they were waiting for him to speak though he didnt. All he did was simply stand up as he did his stool he was sitting on less then a moment ago slowly began to sink into the ground. His face was emotionless now as right their he simply turned around to face the cave wall, he placed his left hand on the wall then waved it over right where he had put dragged his when their was blood all over it earlier. At this moment he put his hand then side of the wall began to shake as slowly coming out of the side of the wall clearly was the coordinate's to this place. Then underneath this where his blood was wiped slowly a name started to pop out from the side of the cave. The name that popped out of the cave wall was the name of the city within germany, none other then Near Breslau, Germany. After that onyx simply took his hoverboard off his back, holding it with his right arm. Onyx then began to walk toward's the exit of this place as he walking slowly he then stopped as he sighed then turned around to face them. "I'll see you all there then......prepare..." With that he turned around and then ran forward in less then a moment he was already out of everyone within the cave's sight quickly he began to go forward until he came up toward's the exit of this place the tree's becoming less thick quickly jumping onto one of the tree's the moment he pushed himself forward he latched the hover board onto his right foot the his left foot was free as he then went forward on the hoverboard making his way toward's this place he had visited only a year ago.

(Alright it's finally time If you want to post your charrie heading there don't mind though if you don't it's cool anyways finally time to get the real fun started.)
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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 9:40 pm

((Divine you need to get your wings approved first before using it..same with your tail and claws and horns and stuff...Just so y'know check the post in the updates section))
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Bitch of Nightmares

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PostSubject: Re: The Devil's Contract--[Private]   The Devil's Contract--[Private] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 1:43 pm

Blargh...I know, cut me a little slack here, sill vous plait. Pinkeh gonna get to it when she get to it, foo. Ima big girl Drakelkins, and I think you know I can take care of it when my schdule allows me to.

(edit: aw, damn, I said pinky. It's hard not playing the goody goody I've been for years now... Men, you knew who iwas anyway, most of you mssgd me about it when I got here. :p)
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