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 .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))

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.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:11 pm

Outside the cave, it was sunny and warm. A perfect contrast to inside the cave, where it was dark and cold and seemingly helpless to normal eyes. In the cave most demons and probably humans were helpless in the dark and with stones that only glowed for a couple of minutes. They were helpless. they needed a guide who can see in the darkness of the abyss. And hell that was why Naoto was here. The demon's green iris eyes traced around her surroundings, she was leaning on the rock wall near the large entrance. The entrance was already swallowed in the darkness of shadows, this was nothing to the demon though, it just looked like faded golden light pouring out of the entrance. As soon as the demon would enter everything would be shaded a golden colour but she would only enter it at the dead of night or if a potential customer came. That was her business, her own race's business. They lead people to the cave and abandoned them in it, stripping them of all their belongings and leaving them to the bigger and stronger then her. Of course she did fear them for that; the fact that they could tear her limb from limb though most people could probably do that to the young cat demon. This was just a favor to say 'Hey i brought you dinner. Don't eat me.' The female adjusted her hat a little, the hat was black with goggles on top with green cat like eyes similar to her own. Her outfit was her usual short green sweater with long sleeves and her extremely short shorts that ended in white and green stockings that ended in her boots that were shaped like cat paws. Her white hair was in her loose ponytail as always, some loose strands of hair coming down over her eyes. The weather was starting to become colder all of the sudden and the girl shivered, wanting to go back to her little area in the cave where she slept. The dark clouds rolled over the skies and the girl thought "If someone doesn't come here soon i'm going back in" and then sighed. Her green Irises and black pupils looked over her claws that extended out of each finger, she was bored.

OOC: Innocent post to a not so innocent topic <.<
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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Age : 31

.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 7:49 am

The boy was slowly coming up on his objective find the cave which he was looking apparently he had heard that something was going on up here people coming to this cave then apparently going missing obviously they met up with death. Now onyx had no problem with this however there was a little problem with this though pretty much this was starting to occur a lot lately and the young demon didn’t like competition especially when it was his own game. He was slowly cruising up to the cave right now on his hover board, once more he didn’t have a shirt on and his katana was strapped to his back. His hair was black with white streaks coming down all the way around, his hair straightened down covering up the young demon’s eyes. He black skinny fit jean’s on with a studded black and white belt around his waist, having on simply some black and white sneaker’s his left foot hooked onto the hover board while his right foot was free. The boy finally came up to the cave though to his surprise there was someone merely sitting outside waiting, though at first he stared at what looked to be a boy though after a moment he realized it was a girl. Jumping off his hover board then hooking it to his back he then looked at her she seemed to be shivering a little bit though that really wasn’t his problem. He then simply took walked into the cave whistling hoping there actually was something in this cave, after a couple minutes of being within the cave a large bang was heard then a creature moaning was heard along with a scream by onyx then all their was within the cave was silence.

OOC: Sorry its short at school
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.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 3:55 pm

The girl surprisingly didn't look up at the sound of a humming sound coming from the sky, if it was a potential customer the sound would become a voice to ask her who she was. The demon's eyes finally lifted to look at who was going to walk into their doom when the humming stopped suddenly, though it was already too late all she saw was a glimpse just a flash that her eyes missed. The figure was already gone into the faint golden like which would be shadows in other people's eyes. Her arms shrugged a bit, maybe one of the larger inhabitants would get him. The cat demon was already looking for another 'customer'. Besides that person is as good as de- a loud noise was heard from the cave that interrupted her thoughts with a sudden halt. The female practically jumped a few feet in the air when the sound happen. Not excepting that the larger demons would have killed the other demon so quickly but then the moaning and another scream which she now registered that they're latest victim was male. The female got up from her sitting position and looked into the cave, her irises and pupils big and bright with immense curiosity of what the hell happened in there. Her sight was practically engulfed with everything painted with a tinge of gold with spots of colour from the light coming in from the entrance. One of the beasts that lived in there was obviously dead, she had never seen anything deader then that large demon that was coated with blood. The supposed to be victim was standing beside the creature. He had no shirt, his upper body revealed and was damp with the creature's blood, he had black hair which was matted down to cover his eyes but was highlighted with white. He wore for lower garments skinny black jeans that hugged his waist and was in possession of a katana. The girl simply couldn't stop staring at the male that was standing there until she realized- with a shock- that she wet herself. Naoto had known from her siblings about what that meant, still she didn't move or anything. The cat like demon just stood there at the entrance staring at him with green irises and thinking about how much she wanted to fuck him.

OOC: for what happened and what you look like inside i'm just going off of what you said one night.

Last edited by Naoto on Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Because i hate reading out my post)
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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Age : 31

.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 7:35 am

The boy looked up at the creature which he had just destroyed his gauntlets already disappeared from his wrist’s able to make quick work of another poser. It was actually getting kind of sad really all he ever faced when he thought they actually were something was simply just a punk who used their side though the moment they actually faced something real they basically gave straight into death. Yet his thoughts were interrupted at that moment as he looked up forward at the monster that had just been easily obliterated. The boy raised both his arms towards the bloodied lifeless beast as onyx opened up his palms towards the beast. At that moment when his hands came down the monster was completely buried underneath the earth the only clue it was ever even there was all the blood smeared upon him and the walls still. The boy turned his head a little to the side while still in the cave bringing his hand up as though he was motioning someone in obviously right now he was showing that he now knew that the girl in the front had took notice to him. Though not known to onyx was the fact how this girl did take notice to him, really onyx probably really didn’t see what was about to happen coming at all.

OOC: Once more sorry its short
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.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2009 7:10 pm

The girl stared in awe as the beast that she was to feed was buried underneath the ground to rot as the insects feast on it's skin by just a simple hand gesture. This dude was sexy and powerful, her bright green eyes lit up; she so wanted to score with him. The demon girl was just about to say something when the male's hand moved in a way to say that he had noticed that she was watching him. The female was a slight hesitant at first, seeing the same hand move towards her that sent the larger demon into the ground of the cave. She began to walk, her cat paw shaped boots carefully walked on the ground towards the male, wary that any second the ground could open up and swallow her home. Naoto had a secret pleasure that she could get a closer look at him and even in her night sight which made everything a gold tinted hue; he still looked sexy. When the girl was finally a close enough to the male demon -a talking distance for now- she opened her mouth to say 'hi, why did you kill that beast?' but instead the female said "You... you have a nice ass". The girl bit her tongue hard but too late the words were already out of her mouth and it was true, he did have a nice ass.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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Age : 31

.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 7:42 am

Slowly looking down at her the boy then began to wonder if his ear’s actually did hear correct, for a moment the boy no sooner was about to open the ground beneath him and have whoever this was join her possible friend that just was sent to hell possibly still traveling down underneath the ground. Though something stopped he honestly had no clue why maybe it was her voice or maybe it was something else telling him not to as for now the boy was unsure. Slowly he turned around looking at her getting a glimpse of her as he then bended down towards her then slightly licked the side of her cheek. Slowly he his tongue went back to his mouth as his the iris of his eyes turned the same color as her underneath then back to the blood red which they had been known for. “Well at least you don’t taste bad…..” The boy said trailing off of his word’s just leaving the girl guessing to what he meant with that.
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.::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 7:09 pm

Naoto was half expecting the cave floor to swallow her after she had said those words. Instead he turned around to look at her and for a second the young demon flinched;thinking that the worst was about to befall her; the female closed her green irises in a little bit of fear but opened again when she felt something wet brush against her cheek. He had licked her! The young demon's cheeks flushed red when she realized this and well bushed ten times more at what he said, of course the -at least- part bothered her but still it had made her blush. The girl watched his irises mirror hers then turn back to a BLood red hue that it had retained before. The demon was now quite horny as she spoke again trying to ignore that weaknesses of her blushing "so.. Want to move deeper in the cave? I know this great room where....". her voice trailed off like the male's had hopingthat he'll get what she was implying
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PostSubject: Re: .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX))   .::MATURE PRIVATE::. Enclosed space; no one here but us. ((ONYX)) Icon_minitime

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