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The Opportunistic Assassin

Posts : 49
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 31

Onyx Empty
PostSubject: Onyx   Onyx Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 12:56 pm

Name: ? (Known to no one but himself only way to know is if u beat the living hell out of him then there is a slight chance he will tell you) Name goes by or alias onyx

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Demon

Home: Dimension's of discord

Alignment: Evil Hell Spawned Kind of evil

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Lighting, Earth

Weapons & Fighting Style: Nodachi, Claw's

Personality: Manical, twisted, Insane, sick little boy, he think's of his own gain's, will kill who he has to, when he has to, how he has to by merely any mean's nescarry ANY means. The boy as well can Play mind game's with them from having his dog circle them to think they don't know where the attack is coming from to simply screwing with their mind until the person feel's as though they are nothing at all. Very sarcastic as well and if he actually let's you into your life and act's friendly toward's their a huge possiblity he's going for you next.

Appearance: Although the boy is 17 he looks as though he is about 25 the way his body look's though he is skinny you can see that the boy is muscular and is much stronger then what he gives off as well even though most of the time he wear's shirt's sometime's he will not. If he ever isn't this is when you can see the boy actually does have muscles due to the fact that he has a well toned body from all the moving around he's done. His hair will usually be a different color every other couple of week's and as well he usually wear's some what tight clothes so that he may move free like within them though usually for the average creature or person it's the other way around however he isn't average. The boy though usually has black sweat band's on that look as though they match up to his gloves he call's claws. Another noticeable about him is that he has been known to have his iris change color's usually meant for mindgames or to show how the boy's feel's though usually it's the first reason.

Strengths: Pointing out fatal point's in ones body, Killing, Acrobatic including jumping, Great agility, Has a knack for throwing knives Bringing out the worse he possibly can in a person or creature, bringing others down to the point where they feel as though they don't want to live anymore. Mantipulating other's then killing them after he got what he needed out of them, acting like a good guy then taking down whoever he was acting as though he was with. (Jack of all trade's)

Weaknesses: People attempting to become friend's with him, People who try to be nice to him, those who resist death and are alway's peppy. Physically the boy is in shape and he does have endurance whoever the number one thing that get's him into trouble is his tongue and the word's which come off of it. Something he know's will one day kill him but until then he doesn't really care.

History: : In plain shortness this boy the very moment onyx had turned 8 he has been through a pure living hell, all his father wanted was simply to make him better and better for hour's the boy would train with little sleep or rest to get by on sometimes even none. His mother hated the fact that his father pushed him to these point's though she usually never spoke only watch from the sidelines the hurt killing her on the inside to watch her only child have to go through this everyday and at such a young age as well. His father though didn't care he wanted to train make him simply the greatest warrior of all that's what his father dream was though he wanted this to become a reality onyx had other plan's though. Finally at the age of 15 when onyx began to under go training with an element known as earth, darkness already tainting his mind he snapped, fighting his own father for over an hour in the wood's that his father had brought him to since this hell had begun over time their fight began to grow between the two. One of them a man of great strength the other one a manical boy seeking to kill the man who molded him into this "thing" the boy use to call himself. Though finally at dusk when the fight had ended the father was on the ground dead his neck slit and his son standing over him with the claw's stretched out of the gauntlet's that were upon the hand's, the same ones he just used to end his father's life. That night his mother never did see her son again never has since then, the boy onyx see's himself as a plague one who MUST kill anything in his path. He desire's one thing and one thing only to bring destruction chaos death to everything he look's at one but one creature even if there was chance for another one the chance's are very slim. The boy know's and believe's in his mind this can come true and to him it shall and anything that wishes to stop him will die by his hand. This he has promised to almost all creature's and thing's and too the planet. Now finally rising out of his own training ground he had stayed in for two year's he ready to finally begin his path of destruction murder and vengace, the boy has made for himself. The only thing onyx may regret is if he dies before he his close to this goal. (His father was Sparta, the demon king not the Greek place thing though no one knows except Drakel since he was a high class demon like mentioned in his history)

Onyx Vampire-2

Onyx Game

Onyx IDK

Onyx 23

Onyx __My_OnLy_WiSh___by_AnimeAngelLover

Onyx VampireAnimeBoy

(Pretty much shall stay around this sort of attire of tight clothes hair subject to change of more then one color and none to change into different style's every once a while.)

Last edited by Onyx on Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:55 am; edited 5 times in total
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Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-08-08

Onyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: Onyx   Onyx Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 2:00 pm

Just know the killing thing is only knowledge on how to do it.

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The Opportunistic Assassin

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Age : 31

Onyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: Onyx   Onyx Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 8:21 am

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Onyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: Onyx   Onyx Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 8:23 am

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Onyx Empty
PostSubject: Re: Onyx   Onyx Icon_minitime

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