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 Summoning Rules & Template

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tht fkn fairy

Posts : 72
Join date : 2009-08-08
Age : 30

Summoning Rules & Template Empty
PostSubject: Summoning Rules & Template   Summoning Rules & Template Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 5:24 am

Hi and welcome to the Summoning forum. Summons are basically creatures that you can call forth in battle to fight alongside you, and as such there are some rules.

:Summon Rules:

  • God-Mod Summons
    Summons are allowed to be powerful, but making them invulnerable to harm is not okay. They cannot, like characters, have spells that are unavoidable and unfair.

  • Be Original
    While it could be fun for everyone to have dragons running around, it would eventually get boring having everyone with the same sorta thing. Try to be as original as you can, it makes things much more interesting for you and everyone else.

  • Don't Rush Your Summon
    Even if you really wanna kick some ass with a new summon, it's best not to try and rush it to get it done quick. If you do this there's a high chance you'll overlook something and the approval process will take longer. Read over your new summon before you post it, to be sure it's finished to a high standard.

:Summon Limits:

0-100 Posts -- 1 Summon
100+ Posts -- 2 Summons
250+ Posts -- 3 Summons
350+ Posts -- 4 Summons
500+ Posts -- 5 Summons
750+ Posts -- 6 Summons
1000+ Posts -- 7 Summons
1500+ Posts -- 8 Summons

For now you can only have a maximum of 8 Summons, but this is likely to change once people start getting past 1500 posts.

:Summon Template:

Name:(What is your Summons name?)

Magic:(How much magic does it cost to summon? All summons require magic to call forth.)[/i

Quantity: [i](How many per summon?)

Duration:(How long does the summon last?)

Element:(If any, what element is this beast aligned to?)

Description:(Pictures are accepted, but if you don't have one tell us about it here. (Put the pictures at the bottom.))

Attacks:(What magic or abilities can your summon use? They can have a maximum of four different abilities, and make sure you include how many times they can use the ability per topic. Please make sure to describe the abilities too.)

History:(It can be brief, but explain what link your character has to the summon.

--Lilith, Admin and Site Owner.
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