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 Character Creation-- Rules & Template

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tht fkn fairy

Posts : 72
Join date : 2009-08-08
Age : 30

Character Creation-- Rules & Template Empty
PostSubject: Character Creation-- Rules & Template   Character Creation-- Rules & Template Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 3:21 am

Firstly, welcome to the website. If you have just joined please make sure to read the Rules before you start creating your own character.

:Character Rules:

  • God-Mod Characters
    As already mentioned in the rules, God-Modding is making your character unfair to other users. Examples of this would be making him or her invincible, or able to destroy a building with a single punch. If you included these types of things you will be unapproved by administration and you will be asked to edit immeadiately.

  • Creativity
    Try to be as creative as you possibly can. Adding a lot of detail into your work may seem like a hassle, but it will improve your chances of a quick approval. Also, when making a character do not copy someone Else's work. This is just plain rude and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

  • Think about your character
    Before you post your creation, take the time to think it through. Is that character right for you personally? There's no rush to get everything approved at once so just take a moment to completely make sure it's ready before you post. This is important because the only way to get a new character after making a previous one is to kill the other off, which is time-wasting and a hassle.

  • Use the format
    It is vitally important that you follow the format exactly. Taking things out is against our rules and any application like this will be ignored until fixed.

  • Asking for help
    It's completely okay to ask a member, moderator or administrator for help if you're having trouble with your character. The easiest way is to PM a member by clicking the PM button under there Post information.

  • Rules for Demons
    Demon MUST have at lease one demonic feature, the more the better. This makes it easier to distinguish between humans and demons and less god-moddy.

:Character Template:

Name: (This is basic, simply state your characters full name and any nicknames or alias'.)

Gender: (A male or a female?)

Age: (How old is your character? This is also quite basic and Unknown or N/A is unacceptable.)

Race: (State your characters race. This can be anything you choose within reason, and preferably humanoid. Please note that if you pick something like a vampire you do not automatically become invincible and any racial traits must be made in the 'Traits' section.

Home: (Where does your character come from and where do they live now?)

Alignment: (Generally speaking, is your character good, evil or neutral?)

Elemental Affinity: (Which elements does your character have command over? You may choose three and they are the only three that you may have. For the list of the available elements click here.)

Weapons & Fighting Style: (In combat, what types of weapons does your character like to use and how do they use them? For example if they use swords do they like to dodge and counter or run in and slice at their enemy until they've won? Include a fighting style for every weapon you add.)

Personality: (How does your character act in most situations? Are they nice or mean? Be as detailed as possible.)

Appearance: (What does your character look like? A picture is not acceptable in this section, you must write out what they look like although a picture is helpful if you add it on to the end of the template)

Strengths: (What is your character good at? This includes both mental, behavioral and physical strengths.)

Weaknesses: (Any downfalls your character has should be written here. All characters must have at least one physical weakness among their others.)

History: (This is basically the complete life story of your character. Be as detailed as possible. Where did they come from? What have they done so far?)

Pictures: (Any pictures of your characters you might have should be posted here. Don't go crazy and post an excessive amount, but around 1-4 is perfect.)

--Lilith, Admin and Site Owner.
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