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 Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)

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The Star Sniper

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 11:05 pm

VYRAAL wanted something to use something as target practice. Not something inaminate this time, something that could actually move. He was done with shooting trees and apples of tables, he needed something like a bird. Thing was most of them flew away as soon as they saw him drawing his bow.

Vyraal certainly couldn't use humans as a target. The last time he tried to persuade a guy he got a blue-black eye. Vyraal suddently had this strange feeling someone-or something was watching him. Vyraal slowly took out his bow and spun around to face a small bunny. "Hey there cute thing." said Vyraal, squatting down to pick it up. The bunny hopped away at his touch, though."There goes my target...and my lunch" groaned Vyraal.

Out of frustration, he took out an arrow and shot it into the heart of the wood without thinking. Vyraal then heard an agonized yell from some kind of beast."Oh shit" groaned Vyraal. The last thing he needed was a giant beast attempting to squash Vyraal. Vyraal aimed another shot towards the direction of the yell and stopped. Several trees were toppling under the footspes of a large Forest Wendigo. Vyraal'd heard of these, they were supposed to be hibernating or something.

Vyraal ran under the creature's massive legs and into the forest. He needed to escape from this thing. An he needed an signal for help. He then turned an shot several arrows behind him, some of them flew into town. Praying that one of them would hit someone innocent for the first time in his life, he shot several more arrows into the town and zig-zagged along the trees,hoping to confuse the large Wendigo.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:38 pm

"Fuck..." sweared Krad just so early in this goddamned morning. The sun was too bright and Krad forgot to close the curtains, and so when the sunlight entered his room, Krad's eyes took a direct hit from it and irritated Krad for the rest of the day. Krad, now pissed at such an early time in the morning did his daily routine of the usual and finished earlier than usual and packed up some gear. His Katana and His Gauntlets. Kicking the door open, and slamming it shut and locking it in order, Krad then went downstairs off the railings and landed on the soft green grass where his bike was perfectly placed. Krad had started the engine and within a few seconds vanished from the view of his apartment. A few minutes later, Krad was now near the park and saw an old woman trying to cross the street. Being the asshole he was, Krad revved up his engine started to circle around the old woman. Then, a sudden arrow came and stabbed the old lady on the head just about as Krad was to slam her open. Once, more pissed that some one else took his play thing, Krad took a glance of the arrow and knew who owned it. "Vyraal..." Krad, smiled with a suspicious grin and charged towards the building gate which covered where the arrow had come. Krad was too lazy to go through the alleyways so in this situation, Krad broke through the Glass doors that was just cleaned last night that guarded the building. Rushing through the panels of work, computers, keyboards and the stuff started flying eerywhere as Krad passed through another glass window and landed on the park behind and there he saw....a...a.. Barney. Krad laughed and saw Vyraal. Slowly, Krad parked the bike near one of the trees and hid it from sight. Grabbing his Katana and placing his gauntlets in the compartment in his bike, Krad rushed towards Vyraal and skid next to Vyraal.

With a quick "friendly" punch to Vyraals shoulder Krad muttered " And so your here fighting with a Barney...Vy You must be so bored."
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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:58 pm

Two scents, both of which he had recognized, he had met them, somewhere else, in this very land. They were not far whatsoever, he at, the green leaves covering his presence, his lack of movement covering his presence, he looked, Krad, Vyraal, the archer, the swordsmen that had tried attacking him. It had seemed that they had become friends of some sort while he had been doing his own missions in other areas. A tree branch fell, it was because of him, he had used his chainsaw blade to slice on down to gain their attention, though, he didn't use the 'motor' like effect. And, well, he was concealed in his new, robes you could say. The eyes though, would make it obvious who he was, the one that they had encountered before, where they had originally outnumbered him but it seemed many chaotic events made things...undirect and all of them never actually fully facing each other. "Well, we meet again, coincidental isn't it? I mean, after all, we are in the same continent as we were before." He skid down, his feet causing some noticeable between his sneakers and the bark, for, the bark was ripping off following him as if a trail, though the spot where he would land was directly in front of him. "Well, nice to see you both in such a...healthy condition." A demonic laugh came from him, something that normally wouldn't be heard. "Well, humans, I believe it is time for round two, though, we never had an official round one to begin with." He stood, at five foot seven, the shorter side of average height and he believed they were taller than he was, though, that really didn't matter, he believed he could take them, or at least now he could. Back then, which, wasn't that long ago he hadn't been sure, not to be to overconfident though he knew he couldn't act cocky. Overestimating yourself and underestimating the enemy, does exactly what the enemy would want, lead them to the downfall. "Well then, you two have the first move."
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The Star Sniper

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 10:45 pm

"Gee am I happy to see you two again." said Vyraal sarcastically. Then he added in an undertone "My misfortune to have met you two in the first place ..." . Vyraal suddently stop running."Wait a fucking minute. I have a darned bow and some darned arrows. Why the hell am I running from this darned wendigo?" he said. Vyraal whipped around and shot an arrow into the Wendigo's head and it fell, causing a cloud of dust to rise form the ground. "Annoying creature. Burn in hell." said Vyraal, now really irritated.

Vyraal then turned to the demon, Drakel. That was one opponent Vyraal'd never forget. Drakel might set the forest ablaze if he wanted to, Vyraal wondered. Vyraal walked slowly behind Krad said "Why the fuck did you bring this demon here?" Vyraal was getting annoyed. First the Wendigo. Now the demon. What next, a group of Succubus? Vyraal walked towards a bench and sat down."So. What brings you here, Drakel?" he asked in a buisness like tone. Vyraal wanted to be done with this and return to his house for some rest.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 11:01 pm

"Screw off man. I just got here, besides you killed my new plaything. You were the one fighting with an over-grown barney there." Shrugged off Krad as he turned around and walked down the fountain paved road. It was a wet place but not so much for it to be too slippery.As Krad approached a place to sit, Krad untied the ribbon that was holding back his katana and quickly slipped it into his pockets. Squatting down on the edge of a fountain, Krad faced towards Drakel and Vyraal. krad was pissed for reasons that were trivial and didn't bother about remembering them. Stretching out his muscles and in a very relaxed tone asked, "Wanna get something to eat?" I mean, Krad knew this wasn't the right place to ask to eat but hey, Krad just woke up and was pretty hungry. It didn't matter to him really, cause he needed to get some grub if he wanted to go kick some ass.

"I know, I know, this ain't the place to be asking this but hey, I can't do squat on an empty stomach. And I'm "currently" not in the mood to get into more battles that know..."her"." Krad hinted about the incident that happened the last time that it happened.
" Now that I mention it, where is she?" Krad asked, out of curiosity and the need to know if he was gonna go threw the same hell again. Krad didn't have his guard up, nor did he even put it on since he woke up, thought of it being to much of a hassle and had no current use for it.
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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 10:37 pm

A sarcastic reply from, and overall weak being, that was quite interesting, he never seemed to be the type to be sarcastic, maybe because it was from some annoyance that the blond archer may have experienced before meeting this two, beings, one being Drakel, a demon himself, and th eother, a human, the enemy, then again, demons were Drakel's enemy as well, but humans seem to target him more than the ladder. Vyraal had obviously not cared if they had heard the comment, but shortly after he stopped running, being closer to Drakel than he was previous moments before, though still a safe distance from him. "He hadn't brought me here, I had located you both. Only, because you were within a certain...area. And well, I believe we have unfinished business do we not? After all, last time, we were all, interrupted." Krad had replied to him, before Drakel had, though, it had seemed that there was a bit of tension between them, interesting. "I don't know where she is right now. What makes you think I would? And, no, she will not interfere this time. If you two, wish to eat, I'll go with you and we can continue this, there is no need to be uncivilized beasts, unless, you wish to be. I prefer ot fight those at their strongest, so I can strike them down, and they have no excuses for their loss." He stood there, his arms crossed, his hood still on, the eyes no longer blinking at different times. They were all open and blinking in sync, five seconds in difference, and Drakel slowly remove his hood. "All I need to do is conceal my demonic traits is all." He said, closing his third eye, the crease in between his forehead gone, as if he was human, and his tail that now slithered out had turned into and ebony smoke, as it seemed to fade and wither int the air.
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The Star Sniper

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 8:15 am

Vyraal groaned. After Drakel "offered" to follow Krad Vyraal just couldn't say no, it would seem too rude. "*sigh* Fine....I'll tag along as well..." said Vyraal. "When you say "unfinished buisness..." said Vyraal, towards Drakel. "What exactly do you mean? You keep stalking us for some reason." mumbled Vyraal. Vyraal eyed Drakel carefully. Without his demon traits he was actually pretty good looking. "I pity those girls who go after him.." mumbled Vyraal to himself. He then walked towards Drakel and said "You're a weird demon. You know that? .... Fine. If you promise not to rip out our insides while we're eating then I won't object to having you around with us." said Vyraal. He then turned to Krad and said "Right, now you can lead the way to the most expensive eatery possible if you want to. Mind you I'm only paying for MY food not yours or.......his food. said Vyraal nodding towards Drakel.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 3:18 am

"Don't worry so much Vy, I mean, you've always been good at running away from everyone. All you gotta do is think Drakel's a girl and *poof you can run. Expensive...expensive restaurant. Well, if Drakel can run as fast as you we'd be able to get there in an hour, be faster if you two had a vehicle of sorts a bike." explained Krad to them as an embarrassing growl came from his stomach, urging him to eat something. It was pretty obvious right now that Krad would just use his bike to get there but he'd leave the two behind.

*Light Bulb appears above Krad's head.* "Well, here's a piece of paper..." exclaimed Krad as he saw a piece floating in wind and grabbed it. Getting his sword out Krad etched directions with the blade without totally destroying the piece of paper. was readable to say the least.

"Directions. I'll be in front of a restaurant. I'll lead the way from there." As Krad jumped off the fountain, making puddle splash everywhere in where he landed and spotted his Motor. Quickly jumping on his bike and starting the engine. " Guys, just take a left there and head straight. You'll find it eventually. Go take a cab or something." Bid Krad as he sped out from the park and crashing a roof of Benz that was parked near there and jetting out with a smile on his face.
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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 3:24 pm

"No need to be so rude Vyraal, I'm not a barbarian, As long as the business is handled then, any means will do, am I not correct? And, remember, you were all going to gang up on me while, well, I was alone, then looked what happened, others interfered and I feel we should, start over...if you understand what I mean. " He said this, now looking at Krad as he spoke, apparently, he and Vyraal had seemed to have some type of chemistry, though it was, odd how they acted, as if they were friends, but really weren't. Maybe it was their personalities clashing? Or maybe it was just that Drakel was around and that they couldn't trust the demon, so, that really that didn't matter though that possible thought pattern didn't really concern Drakel, he just needed to see how they would fight...and see if they would be a threat for the future, of course this was their potential factor, hard work could always help them improve drastically. "Thank you for the directions, though, the latitude and longitude would have been more useful." He now went to where he had been previously and entered his ship, easily following Krad, and then, as he would arrive Drakel would wait, and be the last one, if there was an ambush it would better if they all came from one side then from around him completely.

((OoC: Meh...I'll do decent posts when we get interesting...))
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The Star Sniper

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 10:55 pm


Vyraal stared after the two vehicles that had now dissapeared. Vyraal began to walk towards town, then saw a man jump of a motorcycle,leaving the engine on whilst he walk into a shop. Vyraal stared at the shop for a while, shrugged then took the motorcycle and rode off into town, ignoring the man's shouts of anger. Vyraal thought,"Where was that restaurant again...? Oh yeah, it was supposed to be...." "....a few metres behind me.."

Vyraal turned and rode to the large restaurant with flashing lights everywhere. Vyraal stared at the restaurant. Krad and Drakel were probably eating already...Vyraal looked around. Then he saw a cab. That wasn't unusual. But was the driver drunk..? The car was speeding towards Vyraal. Vyraal stared at it for a moment then noticed the man whom he took the motocycle from in the cab, driving the cab at full speed towards Vyraal.

Vyraal took one look att he cab and walked into the restaurant, grinning. He was sure the cab wouldn't dare drive the car into the restaurant, and sat at a table, glancing out a window. The cab was circling the restaurant. Vyraal smirked and walked around the restaurant, looking for Krad and Drakel.
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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:39 pm

OoC: Any day now Krad.....
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The Dragon's Advocate

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 4:07 am



"Everybody's like this...always makin' me wait." exclaimed Krad as he shot a trash bin down the alley with his foot. As the trash can bounced off to oblivion, also known as the darker side of an alley a screeching noise was heard outside. Finally someone arrived, Krad didn't care who it was and so gave off a signal on where to follow him for the restaurant. Luckily, even though the Restaurant was ONE-HELL-OF-A-VERY-EXPENSIVE-FAMILY-FINE-DINING-RESTAURANT, Krad owned the place, through intensive black mailing of every chefs son who tried messing with him. Thanks to this, not only does Krad get a free meal every time he comes here, he also gets payment. Black-Mailing is a great thing, though Krad as he opened the door and had two waitresses waiting for him. The girls pointed on a table for three that was reserved for some other guys but hey, the owner was here. " Now just to wait and order food...Idea. Hey, you two. Get me 1 slab of your best Steak, medium rare. And for the other 2, get them some ribs, salad and mashed potatoes. Throw in some pumpkin soup as the appetizer. They should be here soon." pointed Krad, making a very eviil grin on his face. He wanted to be a total douche bag, and that was reason enough.

OOC: Sorry for short post. I'm under "probation". Due to my grades. I'll reply faster now though.
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The Star Sniper

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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 1:30 am

OOC: Drakel....? >.<


Vyraal wandered arounds the place somemore before noticing Krad at a table. "Whew.." mumbled Vyraal. He was tired of bumping into girls and waitresses. Vyraal walked towards the table, banging into several other waitresses along the way and sat down at last. "I hate this place." whispered Vyraal. "I'm going to..err....wait for Drakel outside." mumbled Vyraal before getting up and walking out of the entrance. Vyraal leaned against a pole, the man that had tried to ram Vyraal had gone, most probably had given up. "He'd probably be here soon..." mumbled Vyraal.
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Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 2:01 pm

It seemed that Vyraal was there and, well waiting for the two, well it was time for Drakel to descend down to the ground. "Well, I guess we go in now don't we? " Drakel said this smoothly, waiting for Vyraal, to go in first, giving that gesture, making it obvious of his actions. His hood was off just to show that he didn't mean any harm, and this was completely peaceful, or at least for now it was, he had to ensure that he was, well trusted for this amount of time. He wondered where Krad would be sitting though, he only went to watch, he hadn't been hungry, he just couldn't trust that they would leave and avoid the confrontation something that they will inevitably have to face.

OoC: Hurry this up guys damn I'm bored >.>
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PostSubject: Re: Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only)   Kicking Asses (Krad and Drakel only) Icon_minitime

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