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 ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)

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The Star Sniper

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 8:09 am

(Don't bother me bout the name bout this topic or else....)

Vyraal walked slowly across the forest. He had learned not to trust the peaceful looking forest since a few days ago. Never judge a book by it's cover. Never judge a forest by it's looks. Same thing, different names. Vyraal wanted to head to a "building", located across the goddamed forest with overgrown shrubs and mutant mosquitos. The monkeys here had mutated as well, turning into..well...something that could throw twenty bananas at you and utter ten different swear words. Nature is so......advanced nowadays. thought Vyraal.

Vyraal walked across the forest calmly with his bow and arrows out, ignoring a soaring monkey who was happily yelling "HELLO, FUCK!!" at him. After about a half an hour, Vyraal finnally reached his predestined location- a large building that reached above the clouds. "Must be around two-hundred floors or so.." muttered Vyraal. Oh joy. This was going to be "fun". As he walked towards the front step, two small metallic cards dropped from goodness-knows-where into his hand.

Upon closer inspection, the first card had a picture of a scale, and VIII on it. "What was this some kinda card game?" wondered Vyraal. For some reason, Vyraal started thinking about Justice in this world. The second card had the picture of king leading a chariot of two horses, with VII on it. What was this...? "You're feeling really strange today,Vyraal, just shut up and explore this godamned tower.." mumbled Vyraal to himself. He looked around the ground floor. The area was small and round, with a staircase leading to the second floor. Vyraal decided to stay there for a moment, he was feeling a little tired after travelling for so long.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 8:33 am

"Uryah!" shouted Krad after launching a sonic punch on one of his assailants, who even in the midst of a world crisis was desperate to attain the title of Gang Leader for the area of Tokyo which wasn't really all that big. Slowly shrugging the blood off his fist along with blood from the broken chin and mouth of the asshole who just tried to piss him off, Krad wiped his sword clean from the blood it accumulated and used the shirt of one of the victims to clean it off. It was a horrible night, Krad wasn't his usual self as if something inside him was bothering him but was always shrugged off as Krad left the blood plagued alleyway into a red-light district. The district wasn't really all that great, but was the best place to dispose of small fries like them. His school uniform was his one and only type of armor when he went to battle, and plus it wasn't even rigged. As Krad got out of the lining of buildings and lights, an ominous forest seemed to have blocked his path. Seeing as Krad had nothing else to do with his life, Krad crept up the path and crossed a line carved with soil on the ground. And within a few seconds, something became alive in Krads chest and started to pound harder. A few minutes later, Krad managed to shake it off and continued on his small exploration. Krad hid ALL of his murderous intent and all hostility to avoid animals that were capable of sensing attack him.

The trees were green and lush, full of life. Not like most of the wilting trees in some areas due to the usual government related shit."Goddamned trees. I promise to cut all of you down later on after this exploration." sweared Krad as he climbed one of the trees and started to jump from edge to edge. Slowly approaching a building that reached towards the skies, so far not even the eyes of a falcon see the end. "It was tall" was the only things that crossed Krads mind when he got to the gate. A few seconds, Krad remembered that a rumor spread around the town about this building. Supposedly monsters came from here. Krad thought that this might be where the monsters came from and killed his army. Shrugging it off, Krad was now here for personal reasons. After crossing the gate. Two metallic sort of things fell down, one landed on Krad,s shoulder and the other one on his left hand. Krad grasped the Card that was on his shoulder with his left hand and shuffled the two into place. A Zero and A Thirteen was present separately. The card numbers were inscribed with roman numerals though. As Krad flipped the cards to check the back, Twenty-Two was roughly etched at the back of "Zero", as if it was carved out with a knife, unlike "Zero" and "Thirteen".

With this, images swept into Krad's mind and made him think about possibilities of his capabilities and the futility called Death that surrounded all that had life. "This ain't time to be thinking of this."uttered Krad as he went past the gate and saw another character at the scene. It was VYraal. For some reason, why did VYraal always appear at everywhere Krad was headed, was Vyraal a stalker now? Releasing his Killing Intent, was his new way of greeting Vyraal due to the laziness of having to talk and say hi. Once more, Krad's eyes turned to a hazy yellow and gazed upon the never-ending scraper.
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The Star Sniper

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 8:45 am

Vyraal took one look at Krad and brought his hand to his forehead in a loud SMACK. "Damnit, not him again. Everywhere he goes there's bound to be trouble. Dragging me along with him." mumbled Vyraal. Vyraal stood up, and said "Hi. And I don't mean to be rude but...... WHAT THE RUDDY HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE????" Vyraal yelled. Vyraal got up and walked towards Krad. "Well don't you look good and healthy." said Vyraal. He then added, "Which is quite bad, very bad indeed." in an undertone.

Vyraal looked at the two cards he got. Then he noticed Krad had two cards too."Oh i get it. Someone wants us to play a card game or something. Or Are you pulling a fast one on me?" Vyraal said suspiciously. He looked at his card again. Hmmm. wondered Vyraal. Where had this come from? Vyraal looked around, there was nobody who could have tossed the cards. "Ah well. Since it's free..." said Vyraal, putting the cards into his pockets.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 9:05 am

"Don't treat me as if I was bad luck, damn stalker." Commented Krad towards Vyraals uniquely given way of speech and saying hello. Krad noticed too that Vyraal himself had obtained two cards, very different from his own. Krad was pretty much bored with what just happened and didn't do anything for him. In the end, Krad had to agree with Vyraal that it was free and so kept it in his pockets. In a quick skip towards the unmanned entrance of the rumored sky scraper, Krad emerged successful in infiltrating the building. The insides to say..unique in it's own way. Winding stairs, walls here and there, a small labyrinth if I must say. The interior was very different from the exterior and this gave Krad a slight jolt of enjoyment as Krad gazed and inspected the walls, the design and laughed at the man who planned and created the blue prints as well as the design for this building.

Krad's steps echoed through out the first floor and resonated away towards the second until a flight of stairs were visible to the human eye. Krad signaled Vyraal to come and see and offered Vyraal to get his ass there. Slowly Krad walked up the stairs and scouted the area, it was a clear room, nothing to be afraid for...yet..
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The Star Sniper

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 9:29 am

Vyraal stalked haughtily past Krad into the empty room, and said "I understand if you are too scared to continue further into the tower." and walked forwards, grinning. There was another staircase. Before Vyraal could reach there, the staircase dissapeared. "WHAT THE HELL?" Vyraal yelled. Suddently, several Hell Knights appeared around the room. Vyraal'd heard of these, they were supposed to come from hell and all that rubbish.

"Oh great. A little target practice. Just what I need." muttered Vyraal. He then drew his bow again, and walked towards one of the Hell Knights. He continued to walk forwards until he was right i nfront of the knight. The Hell Knight was looking at Vyraal, probably confused. "Take this you godamned sucker!" yelled Vyraal before jumping up, backflipped midair, knocking the knight of it's stallion, causing the knight to pull at the reigns and the horse to rampage around the room, slamming into several other knights. Vyraal smirked." And my schoolmates thought acrobatics were for sissies and ninnies." mumbled Vyraal.

Vyraal then turned to the still-rampaging-horse and shot an arrow towards it, causing a loud CLANG to sound as the arrow had contact with the metal around the horse. it was enough to startle to horse and stop it temporalily, Vyraal ran at it while shooting arrows at the horse, giving the horse a hard kick when he reached melee range. The horse fell over and dissapeared into darkness along with it's knight.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 6:11 pm

"At least your not really THAT weak." commented Krad on Vyraals performance as He scaled the walls and creating foot holes with his katanas scabbard. While the foot holes were being made, Krad pinpointed an area where another Knight spawned out right after one of them had sublimed into thin air. The other 2 who were still alive we're slightly distracted and caused them to fall of their steeds, making them very vulnerable. Krad, wanting a challenged waited for one of them to manage to ride their horse again and prepare itself for another round of joust. As Krad readied himself on the flat pavement, so did his opponent. The opponent readied it's long sword and with a kick to his stallion, came rushing forward. Krad stayed silent.5 seconds until estimation of arrival of the sword into Krad's heart. Within a flash, Krad dashed faster than the horse towards the Knight. The two were at the same speed and clashed. The Knight's black cross guard broke and shattered into pieces from the strength of impact. The Horse still rushing forward, and it's rider still attached, Krad grabbed the arm of the knight and used it to pull himself unto the horse.

Now on the horse, Krad quickly slashed the Knight several times, slowly cutting each limb into thin air. As the horse was running towards the room everywhere, almost crashing into Vyraal at one point, caused more chaos and disruption among the five newly sp enough toawned knights. not having enough given time to have fun, Krad had to cut his time short and impaled his Katana into the demons head, breaking the helmet along with it. A few seconds later the horse vanished and made Krad stumble on the floor but not before doing a barrel roll allowing him to skid over and gain the minimum damage possible from the given fall. "Damn...theres like 7 of them now, and they're all aiming for me..." uttered Krad as he saw 7 lances aimed at him. Not enough space, not enough time goddamnit thought Krad. As Krad placed the Katana infront of him, blocking the 7 spears that were supoosed to hit him. The massive force of one knight multiplied by 7 was something that Krad could handle when he was in position. Due to carelessness, Krad found himself aiming to a wall. With the sword marks that were left before he charged into battle, Krad managed to aim his katana and slow him down before he reached the wall. He was only 5 cm away from the wall.

"Vyraal! Try doing something else next time?! MAYBE LIKE COMMENTING YOURSELF AFTER WE WIN?!" spat Krad as he jumped off the wall and leaving the grazes on the wall, off to face the remaining 7.
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The Star Sniper

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 7:56 am

"Awwww.." mumbled Vyraal. "Please, you can handle these without getting your sorry asses kicked. But still, if you want my help..." mumbled Vyraal before running at 3 of the knights, knocking them on their heads to get their attention, drawing them away from Krad. "I trust that you can take care of the other four on your own." said Vyraal, before grabbing one of the horses, using it to push himself of the ground, flipping behind the knight. The horse was pulled backwards, then turned around by the Knight to face Vyraal's bow. "Eat this, ugly." mumbled Vyraal, shooting an arrow into the eye of the Hell Knight.

Vyraal then turned to the other two knights which was rushing towards Vyraal. Vyraal smirked for a moment, then walked backwards. The Hell Knights charged even faster, seeing Vyraal back away. Vyraal mumbled "C'mon... come and get me.." then suddently jumped to his left, revealing the wall of the room behind him. Before the knights could stop their horses, the two knights slammed into the wall with a loud crunching sound. Vyraal then shot another arrow into a squirming horse, killing the last of his three horses.

Vyraal then walked towards a Hell Knight. This one was really fast, it nearly hit Vyraal before he could react. Vyraal ran towards the wall with the knight following him, then jump-kicked off the wall, hoping to trick the knight into hitting the wall. Vyraal found himself on the horse a second later, and instantly jumped off while the knight attempted to attack him, managing to rip off half of Vyraal's shirt. "You damned...." mumbled Vyraal and shot a stream of arrows, directed at the knight's head.

Each arrow caused a clang to sound, and the knight was being pushed backwards as each arrow hit it's head. Vyraal then realised that he hadn't killed his first Hell Knight yet, the Hell Knight with an arrow stuck in it's eye was staggering towards Vyraal. Vyraal grabbed the staggering Hell Knight and slammed it into the mounted knight. "That's for ripping my shirt." said Vyraal. Then he grabbed the the Hell Knight and slammed it into the horse, causing the horse to fall on the fallen Hell Knight, causing all three to dissapear. "And that's cause I don't like you.." mumbled Vyraal.
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The Dragon's Advocate

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 3:40 am

"I know, was kidding about getting hurt. Didn't wanna hurt your feelings." laughed Krad as his senses were covered with intentions of destruction. Bloodlust was eminent within his temperance. The cards in his back pocket started to light up, but the meaning was still unknown on why this had happened. Disregarding everything else, Krad launched himself up into the air, a trail of dust following him as the four remaining victims rose their heads and watched him. The remaining four were blinded by the light emitted from the ceiling of given room. As The four raised their lances to blind the sun, a shadow of death emerged from the tips and wherein the rest were baffled the head of one comrade was missing. In a sudden splash of reality the remaining riders of three charged upon its assassin with pride and loyalty.

A monster of blood lust, spreading his intent to every nook and cranny. The riders of darkness, created from evil itself had stopped in their tracks. Their loyal stallions, reverting to it's wild state crashed it self to a wall due to unstable emotional suppression. The monster readied his weapon, a sword unwavering of its true purpose, within a dash. Two more knights fell. Reaching others, their hands we're mutilated at almost the same time and in pain they rolled around. The arms had vanished and soon along did theirs owners as well. Now only one more monster was present, but a normal person wouldn't be avle to tell.

Was the monster the demon? Or was it the human? The questions seemed to physically float upon the air. The human, laughing and crunching the bones of his finger as he raised them and taunted the stallion. The demon rushed, the human rushed. Swords clashed as two of them fought. Their blades etching each other but alas, a trick was evident. The blade of human was backwards! As the blade twisted, the sword of demon cracked and broke into two, and soon after the demon as well.

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The Star Sniper

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Age : 27

~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 6:56 am

Vyraal stared at Krad. "He's finally cracked.." mumbled Vyraal. Vyraal looked around. No other knights were spawning after they defeated the ten. "Riiiiiiiiiight look, I think we can go up the staircase now.." said Vyraal, keeping his distance from Krad. Vyraal kept his bow at hand and walked up the staircase slowly, looking around for more of the demons. Vyraal saw many low-classed demons that fled as soon as they saw Vyraal and Krad, whether out of terror or to report to their higher masters Vyraal wondered aloud.

As Vyraal continued to proceed higher up the tower, more demons were appearing. Some of them fled but the brave ones had tried to attack Vyraal and Krad- only to die. After a while, Vyraal came across an area without any demons. It was small and round, and it looked something like the ground floor, a perfect place to rest. Vyraal looked around for a while more then placed his bow beside him, sitting down on the cold floor. "Argh this shirt is no better then a rag.." mumbled Vyraal. "If I see any more of those darned knights I'm going to execute them.." mumbled Vyraal.
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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)   ~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad) Icon_minitime

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~Orpheus-Io-Hermes-Polydeuces-Penthesilea-Lucia-Palladion-Nemesis-Cerberus~ (Red and Krad)
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