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The Phoenix

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~Selena~ Empty
PostSubject: ~Selena~   ~Selena~ Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 11:30 pm

Name: Selena

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Avian Demon (as in birds)

Home: Dimension of Discord

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Elemental Affinity:
  • Ice
  • Lightning
  • Twilight

Weapons & Fighting Style: As an avian demon, there are several factors that control Selena's fighting techniques. She's really light, making her fast an agile. At the same time, though she has the external appearance of a human, Selena has one avian trait that she conceals under her clothes; She has a pair of medium sized wings (about the length of her back) that allow her to fly quickly, but not for long distances. Due to her agility, Selena prefers close combat battle over any other. She carries around with her two daggers in case she ever needs them, which are easily accessible. Selena uses speed to win the battle over strength, as well as some of her enhanced senses. (See strengths) Because Selena does not do well when it comes to physical strength, she has trained in many martial arts techniques. She's really adept at analyzing her battlegrounds and opponent's tactics. Using that and her speed, she has the upper hand at not only avoiding attacks but making quick strikes as well.

Personality: Selena's life was perfect for the first years of her life. She was a beautiful baby and had loving parents. Yet, when the dreadful murder of her parents occurred when Selena hit 7 years, everything changed. She was on her own, and instincts took over. Yet she didn't stay alone for long when she grouped with a gang that took her in because she was like them. The drastic change in lifestyle changed Selena from what she would have been. Over time, she became a great leader of the group and even today she enjoys being in charge. She isn't afraid of anything and can be a tough girl around people she doesn't know that well. Yet, she opens up completely to those that she can trust. Even though the first years without parents was tough, Selena is an incredibly awesome person to be around. She's spontaneous, pretty funny, level headed, and knows how to have a good time. She can be a perv at times (saying things like "What are you wearing" over phones and in person) but knows when and where to be serious. Selena tries at all times to prevent herself from getting angry and becomes reckless when she is. She usually ends up regretting what she does in this state later but always makes up for it if she does it to her friends.

Appearance: Selena is often looked at twice for two reasons. She does not have any visible demonic features and even though she dresses like a human, her ensemble is unique. On top of that, Selena is gorgeous and is pleasant to look at. At first glance, Selena looks pretty innocent and cute. Probably the most noticeable thing about her clothing is the hat and tie she wears, both which are black with a skull logo on them, the symbol that the gang she had joined used. She would never be able to forget them so she wears the hat and tie with her all the time. She wears a white tee mostly along with her favorite pair of ripped jeans.Her natural hair color is a cross between chocolate and russet but at one point she dyed the tips crimson. Her hair is medium length, only reaching a bit farther than her shoulders, and one side usually falls above her right eye. Her eyes are nice, being big, round and the perfect shade of brown. She has a small nose and is pretty short for her age, being only 5'6". Her body resembles that of swimsuit models, slim and tanned, and is ideal for someone agile like her. She does have one demonic feature that shoes her avian side. She has a pair of nice medium sized wings that are able to fold up along her back to be concealed under her clothes. They are used for flying quickly rather than distance, but Selena is neutral so does not like humans seeing her wings.

Strengths: Like mentioned in fighting styles, Selena is much faster than normal humans. Her reflexes are great, she has good stamina and she's pretty flexible/agile. All of this put together with her fighting skills allows her to wear out her enemies with ease and eventually take them down. But the key to her success is maybe her enhanced senses. As an avian demon, Selena has passive traits such as enhanced hearing and enhanced sight. (To be made for approval later). Selena grew up in charge her whole life of others around her so her leader skills are great and she has no problem making the first move.

Weaknesses: Along with Selena's strengths comes some very important weaknesses. Selena's light and slim figure does allow her to be fast, but it means that not only is she physically weaker than some humans, she has a hard time taking too many head on blows to the body. If somebody lands well placed physical hits on her, she will eventually find it hard to fight back and have to rely on her wings or magic. Though Selena is well trained is many fighting styles, unless Selena hits an enemy in a vital point, breaks something, or hits a vulnerable spot (such as the stomach or face), he will not go down easily. Another weakness about Selena is that she becomes reckless if she becomes angry, which can be dangerous if she battles a well prepared opponent.
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The Phoenix

Posts : 43
Join date : 2009-08-23

~Selena~ Empty
PostSubject: Selena (continued)   ~Selena~ Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 11:33 pm


Selena was brought forth into the Dimension of Discord, an area of deceit and deception to those unaccustomed to it. While her home may look like a typical nice suburban area, that was not the case. Once past the cleanliness and health, you would come upon fields spanning for long distances, with a couple of buildings or homes. Among the fields bloom the plants and flowers that provide the area with beauty all year round. Yet, this all provides a false sense of safety withing a such a place filled with danger. While the Dimension of Discord may seem like the perfect place to live, the reality screams the reverse. Selena was born here to be raised by her family. Her father, a fully fledged avian demon, had smiled upon Selena's birth. Though the mother's agony was unbearable, Aiden couldn't help but feel proud that his first child would have been born with a pair of small, delicate wings; a sure sign that she would grow up to be an avian demon. The mother, on the other hand, could do nothing else let out her final cries of pain, close her eyes and drift into unconciousness. Adain was slightly concerned, but he knew with a lot of rest, Jane would be just fine. And as he looked at small little Selena, he knew that she was going to turn out all right too.

From the start, Selena was a bit odd. She was always silent as if she was deep in thought and never particularly fond of anything, though quite curious. She was a good natured baby, always greatly taken care of by her parents. Yet they did find out it was unwise of them to let Selena go outside without constant supervision. Between the grass trying to constrict her (for grass shows no mercy) and the vampire shrubs attempting to drain her bodily fluids, Selena's parents saw no reason for her to be outside often. Selena spent much of her time indoors up until she was old enough to take care of herself. However, that didn't take long. Because Selena was an avian demon like himself, Adain trained Selena in the ways he had learned, starting when she was merely four years old. He taught her that because they were avian demons, they were light, agile, and not that powerful. He showed her how to use her speed to her advantage, how to wear enemies down, and take them out with martial arts. She took her training quite seriously, because she admired and wanted to be as strong as her father. In no time, she was able to defend herself. All that remained was flight. Flying for the first time is like humans riding bicycles. "You will fall many times, only to pull yourself back up and spread your wings again!" he constantly told her. However, she did not learn as easily as her father has learned. His wings were large as compared to hers, so he could go for distance rather than speed. But in the end, by the time she was six and a half years old, Selena was fighting just like her father.

Perhaps it was just fate, but at the age of seven, Selena went out on her own...on the worst day of her life. It was her first time actually going around the Dimension of Discord without her parents along side of her. They both believed that Selena was able to take care of herself, and if a situation should arise, she could merely fly back home. On her trip of the area, Selena did come face to face with some of the dangers she was told about. While walking through the fields, she came to an unpleasant surprise when the grass starting wrapping itself around her ankles. In swift cutting motions, Selena tore herself away, and continued on her "journey". It was truly wonderful for her at the time. She saw things she had never seen and experienced things she had never experienced. She spent most of the day outside with nothing but her own area bringing danger to her. At last, she returned home. And such a wreckage she returned to. Selena dropped to her knees and could do nothing but stare in horror at the ruins of what she used to call home. Windows were smashed, the front door was kicked in, and the left side of the house was almost completely blown off. Tears streaming down her face, Selena entered her home screaming for her parents. After three shouts she began to think the worst, and when she reached her parents' bedroom, her fears were confirmed. Adain and Jane Nestwood had been murdered.

Typically, a child without parents or guardians would have to go under the care of some kind of foster. Selena could think of nothing worse than that. Her parents were dead, she didn't have a home, and possibly even worse than that, she had no idea as to who did it. It could have been human, or possibly even a demon (for Aiden did have rivals). However, she would not go seeking for a foster. Selena was smart, and after the tears were shed, she had all that was needed, her parents buried, and there was nothing left to do, Selena set off to seek those who would be able to take her in like family. She had gone to find a gang. Selena was full of rage, and thought if she joined a gang, she would be feared, respected, and safe among her brothers (and sisters). Yet, she had to go about this carefully. Gang were dangerous, and if she did or said anything wrong, she could be killed. With no other options, she finally tracked down one of the most dangerous and respected gang of kids and teens in the area. She could easily recognize them by the hats and ties they wore, which both contained a skull and crossbones. As she stepped to them, she was immediately greeted by several cold, unforgiving eyes. She did her best not to look scared, but she was only seven. Yet, when she spoke, she did not quaver and spoke firmly. "What would it take to join you guys?" For a second, the group looked taken back. They spoke in hushed tones, and in the end, the tallest of them all stood up. "The answer to that is simply...nothing. You're in. You look about six or seven. If a kid your age has the guts to seek out a gang knowing full well you can be killed, then why put you through tests? You're in, kid."

Selena's life altered in ways unimaginable by being part of the Hayato gang. Though she did not have the luxuries she had while her parents were alive, Selena learned how to deal with the harsh conditions and the rigorous training. The members of the gang had long since mastered close combat fighting, street fighting, and using weapons. They taught Selena all they could, and while she was young, she caught on extremely quickly. She spent a lot of time with her new family, and while Selena used to be a quiet child, that quickly changed as she became friends with everybody part of the gang. She was fun and was serious when she had to be. In time, she was rising through the "ranks" and able to beat many of her friends in close combat. She was good at street fighting but did not excel at it due to her lack of strength. In close combat, she used her speed and what her father had taught her to take down her friends. By the age of 10, she had acquired six daggers. She hid two on her hips, two on her ribs, and two on her thighs for easy access. Armed with these, her favorite weapon for close combat, she was able to take down the leader at a spar. People were shocked that a ten year old would be able to take down a 17 year old, and expected him to be angry. Some whispered words of revenge Yet, he merely laughed. "Revenge is the abject pleasure of an abject mind. Why on Earth would i take revenge on her? She has bested me in all. In reality i must thank her. She has shown me that...there should be some arrangements..." He glanced at Selena once and briskly said "Selena is the new leader of this gang. And there's no reason she shouldn't be."

Being a leader came with its advantages and disadvantages. It brought respect, loyalty, and built a bond between her friends and her. Yet, it came with responsibilities, her taking care of the gang, and her deciding what they should do. It was the next two years of her life that made her learn how to be a leader and fearless. One night, when out on a raid with some of her friends, she found a old newspaper dated from a year back. She was curious to know what was going on with the rest of the world, even if it was a bit late, so she took it back to base. She found some time alone, and opened up to somewhere in the middle of the newspaper. When she did, she gasped and dropped the newspaper. There on the cover, were the pictures of her parents. With trembling hands, she read the article, and the longer she read, the more filled with rage she got. Next to the picture of her parents...was the picture of a demon...the mercenary paid to kill her parents. Apparently they had arrested the demon...but let him go because they did not have enough evidence. It was unfair. Selena's rage got the better of her. With the deepest regrets, but not knowing what she was doing that night, she left the gang with vengeance on her mind.

The next morning, Selena woke up with a headache and deep shame. She shouldn't have left the gang like that. They had always been nothing but family to her, and she just stood up and left them as if they meant nothing. But it wasn't like that. She had a new chapter of her life opening up and it was called Revenge. How could they let their parents' killer go like he did nothing wrong? "I will find him" she told herself. "And make him pay." Thus, for the first time in her entire life, Selena left the Dimension of Discord. According to the papers, the mercenary, who's name was Kevin Anthony, resided in Purgatory of Panic. She had heard several rumors about how that area is like, and resented the idea of having to go there. Yet, she urged herself to and took to walking the entire way there. Selena was nervous. She had sparred many times before, but she had never killed someone. "I will kill him. On seeing his face, I'll remember my parents and want to kill him." She repeated this to herself the entire way there, and in no time, found herself in front of the entrance to the Purgatory of Panic.

She was a little cautious at first, but started to get a bit more comfortable when nobody approached her or nothing threatening happened. She had to pick a place to start, and decided to start in the jail houses, since Kevin Anthony had been arrested. She went to the one nearest the entrance and talked to the demon upfront. "I was wondering if a man called Kevin Anthony was here. Maybe a year ago?" The demon smirked and jerked his head to the right. "You're in luck. He's here today. He had left some stuff here, like you said a year ago, and decided it was important enough to take. Nobody but criminals go back there so we don't get rid of it. I suggest you watch for the traps young lady..." Not all reassured, Selena walked down the corridor, paying close attention to any potential traps. And there, at the end of the hall, he stood, older of course but with the same face and figure she had memorized. "You!" she shouted. "Wait!" The next instant Selena felt her foot go down, and only had time to register the fact that a trap door had opened up beneath her. She screamed, bracing herself to fall, but something different happened instead. Her parents' killer was holding her with one arm easily. She looked up at him. "You killed my parents. Why couldn't you let me die?"

Selena woke up the next morning in unfamiliar territory. She was in a house, on a bed. She didn't remember when she dozed off, or if she dozed off at all. Selena looked to her right and sat up in alarm as she looked into Kevin Anthony's face. She was about to reach for one of her daggers when he spoke. "Don't even try it. I took them away for now so you'd hear me out." "Why would i want to listen to you?" "So you can know what happened that night." Selena fell quiet. "Yes, it is true that i killed your parents. However, I am not a mercenary. Think about it. I'm fourteen. I would have been nine when you were seven. I did not want to kill them...but my parents did... You must understand, my parents were cruel. Your father was an enemy to them, and they planned for several months a way to get rid of him. Then they thought of using me...a mere child. Who would suspect?" At this point, small tears were falling down his eyes. "It was either kill enemies of my family, or disappoint my own parents and get tortured for it...I...I put a bomb in the're wonderful parents let me into the house thinking i was poor and alone...and I killed them...I am very sorry."

Selena looked at Kevin right in the eye. "All my life I've been wanting to kill you. But you've saved my life. And your remorse for their death is far worse than anything I can bring upon you." Things with Kevin were shaky at first, but he had saved Selena's life, she forgave him, and Kevin attempted to become Selena's friend. She had no where to go, for she could not return to her gang, so she stayed with Kevin. In time, they became best friends with each other. Who else did they have? Selena was alone and Kevin was thought a criminal. By the time Selena was fifteen, things were pretty serious with Kevin. All her life she had hated Kevin without knowing it, but now it was quite the opposite. She loved Kevin and nothing could go wrong now. At sixteen, Selena expressed her feelings about Kevin, and Kevin felt the same. Then, things took a turn for the worse. And it began with the Chaos Gate opening up.

When the Gate opened up, Selena was the least bit concerned. In fact, she only heard about it a week after it happened. How was she to know that the Gate would affect her? She didn't. Not until she came home one day to discover...a human in Kevin's bedroom towering over Kevin's body. She knew at once what had happened, and screamed like she screamed the night of her parents' death. It was the same thing all over again. But this time, the culprit was here, and she was in a rage nobody could control. She killed the human. But what did it bring her? Certainly not the life of her lover back. She was back to square one, but this time, she was on nobody's side. Humans and demons were all alike. She thought back to the gang leader before her. 'Revenge is the abject pleasure of an abject mind' he had said. She thought about it. He was right. She couldn't be alone. She couldn't take revenge on humans over what one did, or on demons over what a demon did. Tears streaming down her face, Selena said out loud. "Revenge is the abject pleasure of an abject mind. And I do not have that abject mind."

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~Selena~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Selena~   ~Selena~ Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 11:35 pm

Outstanding. Great work.

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