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 Zero, The most chaotic number(open)

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The Anarchist

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Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Empty
PostSubject: Zero, The most chaotic number(open)   Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2009 9:15 pm

South Africa was new to Duck. He entered the secured area unseen somehow, despite the fact it was sealed down and guarded. He was in, and that was all he needed. The demons who took control of Africa set up an area to put the humans they find and to keep, and eventually kill. It was called District 9, and Duckey was in the District, over crowded with people. He was armed with dynamite and molotovs, plenty of ammo for what he had planned. Duckey didn't know his way around the District but the demons had a building just for them to monitor all police like from, and with his weapons at his disposal right now, he was going to take it out. He saw it towering over all the other small buildings of the slums, and so he went in that direction. Duckey had grabbed a cloak from someone he walked by and a motorcycle helmet from someone else. Duckey made a big red Zero across the forehead on the helmet, and he planned on making his appearence, here, in District 9. He had reached the building after shuffling through many crowds, and he was ready. Duckey slid around the back and planted his dynamite, both fuses extended to maximum length and then tied together so he only had to light one, then run. Duckey used his thumb match and lit the fuse and ran putting on his cloak and helmet. He stood atop a building near the tall one as his fuses were nearing the dynamite. "Ladies and Gentlemen! I give you the work of ZERO!!!" He beckoned as the backside of the building exploded, making it collapse backwards. A huge grin slid across his face, but nobody could see that, or even recognize him for that matter. The demons in the building were most likely dead, now he just had the problem with the patroling units left to deal with.

'This is it, my time.' He thought in wonderous glory as the demonic soldiers approached.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 31

Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zero, The most chaotic number(open)   Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2009 12:14 pm

He was stuck inside this damned building it was unbelieveable to him, one minute he was killing his own kind inside the city then the next minute he found himself on top floor of this damn builiding and it wasn't like he could jump out or anything since he was on the highest floor. He was stuck in a little holding cell, his equipment was on the other side so he had to simply think of something. All he had was simply black skinny fit jean's and skater shoes since he was on his hover board earlier. He still didn't have a shirt and his hair was spiked up a little the color's this time was jet black with blonde streak's running down the side's. Right their there was a loud boom then the holding cell fell down, onyx fell down and felt the building the quickly leaning toward's the side. Quickly getting up he grabbed his katana and hoverboard that almost fell through the broken table and the wall. Feeling the building tilt more and more he began to look around for a way out right their he saw. A window on the on the side of the building that was crashing down, quickly hooking his katana onto his back on it's the holder. Holding the hoverboard in left arm he then jumped toward's the window then found himself falling down. Quickly as he fell down he hooked he latched the hover board onto his right foot, his left foot free now it was time to do some more boarding extreme like the boy's favorite kind. THe moment the board touched the sid eof the falling building it popped back up two ft off the falling building then in less then 5 second's onyx was going seventy-five down the side of the falling building then quickly once he reached toward's the ground not wanting to hit into where the wreckage would be bringing his left hand. In less then a moment's notice a ramp made from the earth popped though one of the window's sending onyx finally onto one of the building's closer though he was out of harm's way. Looking around for a moment he then jumped off the hoverboard strapping it onto his back, at that moment he looked to the east of the where the building just fell. Hearing a voice say that they were the cause of what just occured, quickly he began to run toward's where the voice came from. He intended merely not only to thank this guy however to as well end his life as well.
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The Anarchist

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Join date : 2009-08-12
Location : Anywhere and Everywhere

Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zero, The most chaotic number(open)   Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2009 7:56 pm

Zero lowered his arms, he got the peoples attention. He stood now, with his machete at his waist and a molotov in his hand ready for the demons attack. He turned around to see all the damage he did, when he saw a guy on a hoverboard land on the ground from the crashed building. "I am going to assume that is a demon." Zero mumbled. He watched him pull out a kantana and he lightly replied, "Yeah, he is after me." He chuckled as he grabbed the machete from his waist into his hand. The sun was setting now, and it would be getting dark soon. Zero shifted his feet to prepare a defensive stance as he tightened his grip on the molotov in his other hand. As the katana wielding guy approached he brought out his arm and threw the molotov right at him, very little chance to miss.

"Lets do this."
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The Opportunistic Assassin

Posts : 49
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 31

Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zero, The most chaotic number(open)   Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 08, 2009 4:52 pm

The moment he saw the molotov rushing towards him he then quickly stretched his back until it looked as though he was making a bridge the molotov flying right over him where the incerary weapon would have made a mighty fine scar on his face though that wasn't meant to happen. His katana still hooked onto his back onyx looked at this guy with a malcious smirk, this guy pretty much with that action signed his death certificate. Clenching the katana on his back with his left hand he then ran forward light on his toes. The moment he was about four feet away he quickly unhitched the katana off his back then swung forward though he was far the boy was right in the way of his rather large katana however it wasn't an ordinary blade so this was normal to attack from afar. Swinging forward he came up, swinging around at the kid crouching aiming straight for his waist line as he came up once more he then took another swing straight towards the center of his chest. Doing so in quickness, however his blade was delayed a little due to the largeness of the blade, however onyx would simply have to get use to this in battle in other words become stronger in muscle to be able to perform better with his blade.

The skies of end for once seemed quite peaceful at this moment the wind blew quite flowing rather rough and hard over the land as it usually did so. Right now in a land usually known as forsaken and damned placed thing’s were quite peaceful, as the violet moon of this world shown down it gleaned at the peak of the castle which stood on one of the high cliff’s in end of the world which was just beyond the world terminus final gate and the darkened which initially was held as the place where chernabog was trapped for when the very first event occurred and the creature’s first battle took place, but now this was once greatly feared region of end’s territory is now nothing more then hard rocky plain’s with many pillar’s of rock’s and small cliff’s usually the place where many came to settle their score’s and such which finally lead to the inactive volcano at the other side of the plain’s beyond the volcano was another passage to the dark side of end’s world. Though behind where the castle was another entrance to the other side of end a place for extreme training. Though the history of this castle had just begun the castle creation was quite strange. Within the last couple years of the event’s that took place the castle formed after the moment finally three castles were destroyed by the Oblivion waves and Tsunami waves the first being Disney castle the second was Oblivion Castle and the third had just recently occurred this being the Beast ‘Castle. Although ansem had only caused two of these to occur the other one he was there for and instructed to happen causing for simply the same affect as if the heartless himself would have destroyed the castle. This castle was now known as End’s Bastion though still had much more to be done to complete this newly found and created place, though for now this would simply have to wait for the being. The land around the castle was lush and green and looked to be similar to that of a regular world garden’s then much further off away from this a thick greenery of forest had came along with this as well being the first one to ever be instilled on this world’s surface yet make no mistake this was still end so a surprise was possibly around the corner. Yet signs of this surprise was for once possibly really low, all the creatures in end seemed to be more at peace with themselves rather then greatly stirring with anger, where usually the sound’s of shrieks could be heard and such none were heard whatsoever, as well for that even the sea was calm something very unexpected for that matter yet the reasons could be due to chernabog returning to sleep or simply possibly peace somehow came here if not for a moment. A couple moments later ten feet in front of the castle a portal opened before the huge structure, Anya stepped out in her usual attire though the iris of her eyes and color of her hair had changed due to the event’s which occurred within traverse town with the one known as misteor also known as now her child. Anya turned around to await the arrival of misteor waiting patiently for him to exit the portal knowing this may take time since this was his first time. Her grey iris stared intently at the portal for a moment though the very moment she saw movement this disappeared and a smile returned to her face that was there not to long ago. The girl simply stood there waiting for him with a smile eagerly waiting to show him his new home. Though she wasn’t the only one there right now awaiting the arrival of her child she knew this some where in the back of her mind though she didn’t pay attention to it at all due to the fact that she only simply worried of her child who hadn’t come out yet.

Above on top of the castle where the violet moon wasn’t gazing down upon on a dark side of the castle where you could see many of the plain’s stretch forward into the world from that portion of darkened roof top, not to mention as well if you turned around you could see all the way out towards Ends Sea’s. Ansem stood dressed in his usual attire rather then what now many wore the organization cloak, slowly a figure began to fade in behind the heartless; however this wasn’t the dark guardian the usual one who had been for this. As the creature continued fading behind the heartless it took an image of a person however no features could be made out since he was covered in a shroud of darkness, all that could be seen was he was almost just as tall as Ansem and that he had a muscular outline to him. The creature encased darkness sighed and shook his head, causally it walked next to the right side of Ansem looking at him then back down at Anya and the portal. While Ansem now knew slightly what his daughter had done, but what she was doing now this just raised more questions within the confines of his mind wondering what truly caused his child to finally leave her child persona and finally become enter into another step closer to her real persona. While Ansem juggled these thoughts the other one simply just looked down wondering what the hell was about to come through that portal and how would ansem react when whatever it was came through. Obviously this one didn’t know that ansem had already seen him slightly back in traverse town so it was only obvious he believed ansem intentions towards who ever it could be were hostile. Though for now nothing could be told or possibly seen until finally the boy would step out of the portal and into this new world. Yet Ansem already began to hatch a plan his thoughts and what he decided was the same as when he meant anyone else a “test”. With these thoughts circling his mind he let out a slight chuckle the other creature quickly turned to face his master wondering what that could possibly been about. The heartless however didn’t give him any sign’s or look’s he simply continued to look forward at the portal now slightly his real intentions were geared towards what would come the heartless had a smirk on his as the pale moon finally casted over that side of the castle which they stood upon casting both of their shadow’s behind them.
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PostSubject: Re: Zero, The most chaotic number(open)   Zero, The most chaotic number(open) Icon_minitime

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