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 The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)

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The Dragon's Advocate

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The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Empty
PostSubject: The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)   The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 4:30 am

It was a pretty regular day, just pretty much like any other. Except for the fact that, very rarely, no ones going around trying to hunt Krad's ass down. These kind of days, for Krad, were very rare, hell it was a lot more rare than a delinquent challenging him to a fair and square 1 on 1 fist fight. And mind you, they were rare. Krad on the other hand, had just woken up from his bed, and it was a Friday morning. Seeing as how it was just around 4:30 AM in the morning, and knowing that he had school today, Krad slowly got up from his futon. Still yawning, Krad scratched his face and parts of his back to rid himself of the usual morning itch that always comes up after waking up. Noticing that the light was still open, Krad gently, as much as he could, pulled the string and managed to turn off the light bulb without it breaking down and cracking on his futon...again. Still slightly fazed from just waking up so early in the morning, Krad walked up to his parents altar that was placed near the exit of the house and silently prayed for a few minutes, which included greetings for his parents and the usual ones. Almost falling asleep again, Krad still just wearing a pair of his slacks that he used to sleep last night with, Krad noticed he hasn't worn his shirt yet gave him little worries, since it wasn't like anyone was gonna go in his house and suddenly started attempting to sexually assault him, but it wasn't like anyone was even capable of pushing Krad down. Slowly walking upon the tatami mats that covered his small apartment room, Krad walked towards the windows and gently slid it open. The very weak sunlight was barely seen and gave such little warmth unlike the later times of the day. Krad breathed the fresh dawn air and stretched a bit. Krad's body was being stretched to its limits like usual to help Krad maintain his unbreakable winning streak. After a few more pumps and squats, Krad got up and threw a small pebble that was lying on his veranda towards one of the painted target practice dots on the wall that he made. He managed to get all 5 marks with 5 differently sized pebbles, the next one bigger than the last. After his usual morning routine, Krad unbuttoned his pants and placed a small cloth over himself and took a short hot dip in his bath tub that was already heated. Soaking himself in the luke warm water that was readied for himself by himself and giving himself a good scrub. Slowly, Krad went under water and stayed there for a minimum of 3 minutes, it was sort of part of his morning routine, everyday training his self to last longer underwater, which in turn will give him more lung power and be able to breathe easier. After his three minute test, Krad quickly raised his head and took a deep breath of air. Quickly standing up and fixing the bath place, Krad wrapped a dry towel below his waist and walked up to the mirror made closet and opening it, quickly grabbing his comb, tooth brush and tooth paste. Placing some toothpaste on the brush, Krad quickly brushed his teeth and smiled at the mirror. It was a set of proper hygiene teeth. Getting his comb, Krad fixed his hair to his usual style, something bad-ass and was a trademark of his, but thinking of today, Krad changed it to a more casual style and streamed his hair down to sharp spikes that traced until his lower lip. The ivory colored strands quickly dried up after that, and was probably gonna be like that for the rest of the day due to added hairspray. Getting a new pair of pants in a shelf just outside the bathroom, Krad quickly grabbed a pair of boxers after debating on which to wear today. After putting his pants on and getting his belt that was hanging on a chair in the kitchen and wrapping it around his waist. Now it was 5:30 AM, it's already been 1 hour since he woke up, and was the usual time that he took when waking up. Getting an "Affliction" shirt that he bought not with cash or card but with a usual type of service to the female owner of the shop, besides, using money was never really his style, cause he was a delinquent, a bad-ass one at that. After putting on the deep midnight colored shirt and cross bone skulls design on it, Krad raised his futon and threw it out on his veranda, leaving it to hang under the incoming sun. With everything prepared and ready to go, Krad bid his room farewell and took up his Katana and hid it under his clothes. Realizing he wasn't wearing his school uniform, because Krad decided to play hookie for old times sakes, got his shirt and hid the sword in it. A small silver pendant was hanging on the door knob on his front door, with a small turn, the door knob opened the door and Krad grabbed his pendant. Locking the door after going out, Krad jumped down the second floor and into the garage of the apartment and hurried to the park. It was now 6 AM. The sun was now showing it's blissful light and covered the area with minimal warmth. And as for Krad, this was how he usually started most of his days.
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The Phoenix

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The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)   The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 11:34 pm

It was a pretty boring day, just pretty much like any other. Sadly, nobody was trying to hunt Selena's ass down. These kind of days for Selena were dull because it meant her having to find something to do. And mind you, Selena was actually up for a nice fight today. On the other hand, she could not do this due to the fact that she was in Asia. She had to blend in as a human, or SEVERAL people would come after her. Selena had been awake for quite for quite a while now, and seeing as it was Friday, it meant the day would just get steadily more boring. She looked at her alarm clock at the hotel she was staying at and groaned. It was 4:30 in the morning. This meant she wouldn't sleep all night, so she might as well get up. She quickly did all morning necessities, and ate honey nut cheerios. Her favorite cereal. When she finished, she stared into her empty plate and said out loud "I need a life. Better yet, I need a boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Which ever comes first." On that note, Selena went to take a steaming shower. Showers always helped her think of what to do in the day. Also, showers are nice. When Selena finally got out half an hour later, she couldn't help but notice that she smelled pleasant. Selena wrapped herself in a towel, went to her room, and closed the curtains. She had already had one bad experience with a perv, and didn't intend to let it happen again. Selena dropped the towel and rummaged around for clothes. If she smelled nice, why not put on the sexiest outfit she had while she was at it? She was probably going to go out on her motorcycle, so she might as well look nice. She made her hair wavy for old times sake, but put her gang's hat on her head either way. She would never go out without her hat and tie, for they reminded her of her childhood. Selena had put on a nice tight white tank top, along with a new pair of ripped jeans she had bought. She thought heels would ruin her outfit so she put on some white sneakers. She was pretty much done for the morning, and it was only 5:15 AM. Scowling at her alarm clock, Selena picked up her daggers and started throwing them at a target she had put up on the wall out of sheer boredom. The hotel staff would be angry when they found out, but Selena would be long gone by then. With the first throw, she hit the bullseye, and the ones that followed made the former clatter to the floor as the latter took its place. After 2 minutes of doing this, she shouted "Enough!" and left the hotel. She spotted her motorcycle at the hotel parking space, and in a minute was off. She did not know where, but she hoped she could find something interesting to do.

(Let's keep it 400-600 words please? x3)
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The Dragon's Advocate

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The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)   The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 12:12 am

"Bloody-- Oh screw it." remarked Krad as he slowly paced himself up and reached the park near his apartment. The park was a showy one, nice lights dangling every where, still turned on and was wasting electricity like usual. The old man who usually takes care of things around here suddenly had to go to some where in Osaka which led to the owner of the apartment, with many problems on how to work everything and maintain it in order. Krad found a switch next to the entrance and tapped it just to close the lights and save the owner the trouble of having to close it for herself. Walking around slowly, trying to spot his Motor Cycle, Krad saw a Porsche parked next to his. It was labeled "You suck, Krad" on the side. Probably from some rich guy who owned it. Getting his pendant off his pocket, Krad leapt above the car and landed on its roof, and creating a dent with his sheathed Katana, a dent that wasn't exactly the best there is. After jumping off the damn car, Krad landed on his motor and switched on the engine. Now that the motor was working, Krad slowly back away from the parking wall and slid into a riding position. With a grr type of sound, the Devil's Wing dashed outside and above the leaning ramp outside. With a small clang, Krad's motorcycle made marks and sped out towards the alleyway. With several ramps prepared, Krad practiced with his motorcycle for a bit with a few tricks in mid-air. With another final "thud" on the pavement across the alley way, Krad turned a complete 270 degrees and sped along the streets. The street lights were still on due to it very early. And since it was early, no one would be awake to bother Krad when he's enjoying his ride on his favorite bike. A fwe minutes later, Krad was circling around some of the rich hotels that were aligned in a neatly and very organized manner. "Tsk." Krad murmured as he sped past all the buildings. Another bike suddenly leapt out of no where and started speeding up. Krad who on the other end, spun the bike on the ground and spun outside the clash and stepped on his breaks as hard as he could and made longer marks.

What the bloody hell are you doing?! asked Krad to the foolish driver.
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The Phoenix

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PostSubject: Re: The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)   The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 12:58 am

Selena had been riding her bicycle away from the damn hotels when out of nowhere, another person on a motorcycle appears nearly in front of her and he has to swerve to avoid her. She could hear him shout "What the bloody hell are you doing?" even as fast as she was going. She giggled and decided to turn back to this man. Selena made a huge swerve on her bike, and drove until she was in front of the other rider. She stepped off the bike, took of her helmet, shook the hair out of her face and looked at the human. He was obviously asian, tall, well built, and some nice eyes. She had planned to be an ass just to start something, but thought against it. "Sorry about that. Didn't see you. Then again I wasn't really paying attention; I should probably actually start doing that from now on." She eyed his body and continued. "Though, I don't think you would have gotten really hurt, don't you agree?" She was teasing him a bit, like she does with most guys when she first meets them. She walked closer to his motorcycle, with her hands up, playfully showing that she wouldn't hurt him "again". "Nice bike. I can tell it can reach pretty high speeds. So does mine. I've name it Raven. And my name is Selena. You can pretty much tell I'm not from around her. Hell, I bet you'd never be able to guess where I come from." She grinned. Unless he was some sort of mind reader, Selena guessed that he could not possibly tell that she was a demon from the Dimension of Discord. Her wings were tucked up under her shirt, and she was wearing a jacket on top of that. She looked completely human, which worked out to her advantage when she needed to travel to worlds not controlled by demons. Selena thought it would be fun to mess with him a little more and said "I thought today was going to be a boring day. You could always change that. But first I'd like to know you're name..." Nobody could deny that this avian demon had a special kind of charm about her that made people want to know more. But in order to receive, they would have to give first. Selena could tell that this was no ordinary guy, judging from the katanas on his back. She was curious to know more...
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The Dragon's Advocate

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The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)   The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 9:39 am

Casually taking his ass off his motorcycle and steadily parked it, well more like put on a stand so it wouldn't fall down and get scratched and be forced to pay for repairs...again. He didn't want his only way of transportation to be destroyed, nay it was more than that, Cause it was HIS property, and he didn't want anyone messing with them. In a way or another, Krad was surprised to meet someone who judged him just because of his stature, besides, being tall, well-built and having hot eyes would always be a plus on any babe's handbook on "Who is Mr. Perfect?".You really should, cause I'm sure you wouldn't wanna hurt that pretty face of yours. teased Krad as he slowly paced forward to this woman who was even bold enough to even dare talk to him like that. It was "refreshing" for Krad's viewpoint. And after a few seconds of Krad eying her as she did with him, the babe wasn't really that bad, and was probably good enough to kill some time since Krad was planning on skipping on his new school. Slowly, Krad raised his hand up and carefully placed it on her small chin, with a quick movement towards her ear, Krad whispered Name's Krad. in a short breathe and moved back.As he slid back to his position, Krad swept his air backwards along with the immediate dramatic breeze came in by. Krad was bored and pretty much decided to make Selena his new "plaything" for the moment. With this in his mind, Krad finally gave his signature "Lady Killer" gaze on her, with direct eye contact. This should have been enough for Selena to want Krad more, even if it is a bit too much. And I'm not sure if you've ever heard it, but my rides name is " The Devil's Wings". And from that you should guess what kind of driver I am. responded Krad in accordance to how Selena talked to him.
There's this new school I enrolled in so it's still fresh from my grasps, so if your that bored, You wanna cause some mayhem with me? invited Krad to Selena while stretching out his hand to hers.
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PostSubject: Re: The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open)   The sort of days where I don't have to deal with pricks.(Open) Icon_minitime

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