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Searlocke Empty
PostSubject: Searlocke   Searlocke Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 5:24 pm

Name: Searlocke

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Monkey demon

Home: Chaos Realm

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Elemental Affinity: Cure, solar, plant

Weapons & Fighting Style: Since she is a monkey demon, that affects her fighting style greatly. She has a tail, which gives her good balance. Alos, she is very acrobatic and flexible, so that makes dodgeing fairly easy. When in combat, Searlocke tends to focus on magic. She is not one to attack first or start a battle though. Rather, she's big on defense and acrabatics in order to dodge attack. Until its to the point where her life is being threathened, she'd rather block moves then to get really offensive. She is excellent at magic as stated before, that being her strong point when fighting. Since melee is not her strong point, Searlocke would rather avoid fighting in a hand to hand combat. When fighting in hand to hand combat, Searlocke knows no martial arts or any specific fighting style. She makes it up as she goes along - basically freestyle since nobody trained her in fighting and she had no way of learnigs. She prefers to use her favorite weapon, her sword in combat, as opposed to long range weapons.

Personality: Searlcoke is a relitivily sweet girl and kind girl in most situations. She is the type of demon who while remains neutral in most situations, especially the dispute between humans and demons, she has a strong enough sense of what is right and wrong. So although her nature is neutral, shre tends to look down upon causing chaos, killing people for the hell of it, and thing of that sort. In other words she is pretty peaceful unless angry. Only then would she aim to kill someone. She enjoys watching fights, and is amused by the littlest of things, usually observing first then acting. She is very trusting and easy to get along with. Though she is willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt and help them if they need help, she enjoys toying with people too. While fighting, even though she likes to make conversation with anyone, she is thoughtful and serious, barely speaking.

Appearance: Searlocke is a very beautiful, small, and slender girl. She is ivory skinned, and is pretty short, standing only at 5 feet. She has light brown wavy hair, that cascades down to her waist with bangs that reach down almost touching her eyes. Her eyes are the color of emeralds and are slightly larger then regular eyes making her look innocent and cute. Her regular attire consists of a pair of faded tight black jeans, a sleeveless light yellow t-shirt, and high-top sneakers of the same color. She keeps a hammer strapped to her back, her main weapon. She is never seen without a red flower with two leaves in her hair and a silver neckleace with a yellow topaz sun hanging from it - those being gifts from her mentors growing up. For her demonic features, she has a monkey tail. Her tail is about three feet, and cuirls up in to a small ball which is easy to be hidden under her shirt. thus she cn appear to be fully human. Her tail is prehensile, and aids her by grasping small items with her tail. Also, her tail is exceedeingly strong, being able to withstand her weight and alows Searlocke to dangle from objects such as poles or branches.

Strengths: Searlocke's specialty in combat is magic. She has trained and focused on that throughout most of her life due to that she excels at it. As a result to not really focusing on melee, she's not really physical strong or good at hand to hand combat (also seeing as she knows no real fighting style.) She is also very acrobatic and flexible, due to the fact that she is a monkey demon. These traits makes dodgeing attacks for her easy, and gives her such abilities like climbing trees and jumping high and long. To continue, Searlocke is a good healer and since she is small, she moves around relitivly quickly.

Weaknesses: As mentioned before, Searlocke is not particuallary physically strong. Being in an only hand to hand comabt could mean fatality when faced against the fight person. Searlocke can not take too many head-on blows, thus she wears out and has to rely on something out. Another weakness that she has is that she doesn't take battles seriously enough and she trusts both humans and demons, leading her to wanting to help many people.

Last edited by Searlocke on Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Searlocke Empty
PostSubject: Searlocke (continued)   Searlocke Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 5:27 pm

History: Searlocke's mother and father were demons, fully moneky demon and avid demon haters living in Chaos Realm, the home they had lived in since they were born. It was due to the fact that both of Searlocke's parents had their parents killed and eaten by other demons that they hated their own kind so much. This hatred was one of the reasons they both had bonded and got married. Though they did nothing about their hatred, they secretly talked about how disgusting demons were and things of that sort. Their life was nearly perfect, they thought. The only thing missing was a child to love and live with. As mentioned before, although Searlocke's mother and father were demons, they frowned upon demons herself, thus making them some sort of traiter. Upon hearing that they were pregnant, Selena's parents were overjoyed. "Finally, a baby of our own," said Rex, Searlocke's father, while grinning at his wife. Her mother smiled as well, but her eyes were filled with concern. Neither soon to be parent spoke it, but it didn't have to be spoken. They both knew what the worry behind Lola's eyes meant: I don't want this baby to be a demon. But its going to be a demon, isn't it? This was not to be dwelled upon, however. There was much to be done, as a baby was a lot of work. The neighbors all congratulated Rex and Lola, saying this such as "I bet she'll be as cute of a monkey demon as her mother." That only increased the anxiety that both soon to be parents had. As the months passed, Lola's stomach grew big and the baby gave kicks in the stomachs. Surprisingly the kicks hurt more then she expected. However, Lola thought nothing of it, having never been pregnant before she knew not what to expect. She could only hope for the best for her baby, praying feverently that some strange impossible miracle could happen so that this baby would not be a demon.

The faithful day came when Lola's baby was to be born, and both parents were on edge, waiting anxiously for the baby. The pain was unbearable, excrutiating and Lola doubted this was how birth was supposed to be, but again since she has nothing to base it on, how would she know? After 22 hours of pain and pushing, the baby finally popped out. Lola managed to take one glance at the baby before her eyes rolled back into her head and she took one last deep breath; the birth of the baby had killed her. Before she died, she got to see how beautiful the baby was and finally accepted that it would be okay if the baby was a demon, so long as it was her baby. Rex thought she had fell unconcious, and paid no mind to her as he looked at his baby. She was a girl, and maybe he was biased but he thought she was the most beautiful baby in the entire world. She had gorgeous green eyes, and light brown hair starting to grow on her head. He named her Searlocke, that being the name he and Lola decided on if she was a girl. He lifted the baby up and examined the baby fully. Upon perfect examination he turned Searlocke over only to discover a long tail not in proportion to the rest of the baby's body. A sure sign of a monkey demon. Horror flashed in his eyes and for the first time since the baby had been born he looked down at his wife, laying motionless on the floor, eyes wide open. He checked her; no heartbeat. His baby, obviously a monkey demon, had killed her mother unwillingly. As tears rolled down Rex's face, both of bitter disapointment and pain, the baby fell asleep. Rex didn't know how he could love his baby, when she was a demon and had killed his wife. The only choice was to either kill the baby or abandon it since he didn't want this demon to be his daughter anymore then he wanted to be a demon, even if Searlocke had his eyes.

Rex picked up a knife and shakily held it to Searlocke's neck. She had long since awoken, and now stared at him with those big eyes of her. Rex thought she was such a strange baby. She didn't cry, laugh, smile. The most she would do is say "goo." She didn't sqiurm when Rex pressed the knife against her neck, didn't cry or make a sound when beads of blood apperared. However, no matter what hatred he felt toward his demon baby, he couldn't kill her. He just couldn't. The only other option was to abandon her. Rex gathered up his stuff, and decided that maybe moving to another town would be a good idea especially after all that had occured. He knew very well if the baby was to be discovered by someone, she'd be taken in in a heartbeat. However, he didn't have the heart or stomach to kill her himself, so he'd let others take care of her. As he mounted the taxi that would take him to a new home, (far away from where he was), he looked back one last time at Searlocke, then left. Searlocke didn't cry or move as he left. She was left alone, but not for long. As luck would have it, someone found Searlocke shortly. She wasn't found by a neighbor though, she was found by a wandering demon. A fish demon by the name of Momo, who happened to be traveling with a group of rebellious demons (who lived in Dimension of Discord but were in Chaos Realm because they were tired of life in Dimension of Discord), stumbled upon the abandoned baby and immeadietly fell in love with her. Picking the baby up she saw that someone had left a crumpled peice of paper that stated the baby's general information, and Momo soon learned the baby was named Searlocke. Momo ran back to her clan, a group of about 30 demons, and started shouting excitedly. "Guys! Hey Guys! Someone abandoned a moneky demon baby. Please, can we keep her? Her name is Searloke!" The clan looked at each other, and called for a meeting. After much discussion, they decided that they would raise the child, but Momo would be in charge of her, acting like her mother. She couldn't have been more pleased to take care of the baby.

Six years later, and Searlcoke was a beautiful kid, Momo couldn't have more proud of her. She was intelligent, and never caused trouble for her "mother" or her "brothers," "sisters," and "cousins." (Also known as her clan mates.) Instead of being nuisance, she was helpful. She fathered food and knew how to do chores that most children do at 12. Everyone was happy they kept her, as she served to be very useful. Searlocke was the only child in the clan, the rest ranged from 17 through 35 years old. Momo was 22 years old and made a great mother to Searlocke. Searlocke was only 6 years old, but very mature for her age, and the clan leader, a kangaroo demon by the name of Ben, was observing her very carefully. Searlocke was already training; only they didn't call it training with her. They called it "playing." Momo got her to train by saying "come on, Searlocke. Let's go play." Of course, training was quite dangerous. The times that Searlocke broke a bone or got beat up were countless. Each time she got hurt, it only made her better and stronger. She never complained, because she thought this was how all 6 year olds played. Despite the dangers of this life though, Searlocke loved life and adored her family, who thought she was God's precious gift. As far as travellers go, she led a very pampered life and she always came first when it came to taking care of the clan. Momo made sure she got enough food, sleep, and had fun so Searlocke adored life as it was. Every day was a completely new adventure, and even though Searlocke could still see her father and mother clearly in her mind, she had no idea who they were and decided not to dwell on them. Of course, as she got older and the training got harder, she knew that playing wasn't training. However, by that time in her life, she had her training under control as she was an excellent learner.

Years flew by in Searlocke's perspective. After all, she had no worries, and life was simply perfect for her. Before long she was 12, long since having mastered everytime her mentors had taught her. A willing pupil, her mentors (Momo and Ben) enjoyed training her and had much hope for the young girl. As a result of her excellence, they each gave her a gift. Momo gaver her a red flower to put in her hair, and Ben a necklace. They hoped that maybe she would one day become the leader of the clan, that was, if she choose to stay with the clan. Because although satisfied with her life so far, Searlocke knew there had to be more that life offered other then this life, not that she was complaining. Late at night, when only Momo and her were awake, Searlocke sometimes mentioned her thoughts of leaving the clan to Momo, who although was hurt by the mere thought of it, knew that Searlocke was her own person and could do what she liked. A couple of days after she turned 13, Searlocke got her wish to leave the clan granted much sooner then she had hoped for, and in a horrifying way. The morning that Searlocke's perfect life changed, Momo had woken Searlocke up early, at about 2 a.m., and had sent her to find some berries. Although this struck Searlocke as extremely odd, she said nothing. Just as she headed out the door, Momo stopped her and said "Wait. I love you, Searlocke. Be careful." This too, was odd. Almost as if Momo knew something she didn't. As Searlocke pondered upon this while searching for berries, what she didn't know was that back at her clan's campsite, there was a war being fought between Searlocke's clan and their mortal enemies. Of course, Ben had discussed that there would be a fight the day before with everyone except Searlocke, and knowing this Momo had sent her off so that she'd be safe. Momo knew that her clan would lose, and as a result everyone would be either killed or eaten, and she loved Searlocke to much to let that happen to her.

A couple of hours laters, when the sun was rising, Searlocke thought she had gathered enough berries so she headed back to the campsite. She planned to ask Momo why such a strange request earlier that morning as soon as she got back. However, as soon as Momo got back to her campsite, all she saw was dead bodies, torn limbs, and blood everywhere. She almost screamed, but stopped at once because she knew the people who did this might be around. So she drew her hammer, also a gift from Momo and crept silently around the camp gagging when she saw Ben's body lying one place, and his head a few feet away. She braced herself for seeing Momo, and was relieved in a strange sense that she only been shot once. As Seaerlocke cried and gathered the little possesions she had, she found a note next to her sleeping mat. "Dear Searlocke," it read. It was undoubtly Momo's handwriting. "I never told you this, because I knew you'd go looking for him, but I am not your mother. Your mother died giving birth to you, it said in this note left by your father. Your father did not want you, because although he is a monkey demon himself, he hates demon. Seeing as you are a demon yourself, he gave you up. If your reading this, I'm dead. In which case, I love you and take care of yourself. P.S. The note your father left is attatched to this one. Goodbye."

3 years had passed since the death of her clan, and Searlocke was now 16. At fist being on her own scared her. The silence was unbearable, and Searlocke longed for someone to talk to. However, she found making friends and starting her life over difficult, as she was haunted by the images of her clan. When she was 14, and all throughtout that year until she was 15, Searlocke had searched for her father. The attempt was in vain, seeing as in the very end, she figured out a gang had killed him. Apparently, Rex had been very wealthy and a gang had robbed him. Now that she was 16, Searlocke was okay with the silence, and led her life as a nomad, wandering from place to place. An okay life she supposed, it could have been worse. When the Chaos Gate opened to go to the human world, Searlocke was quick to hear about it. This human world interested her greatly. As did humans themselves. But along with curiosity was fear. The opening of the gate started a war. Many died; humans and demons alike. And since she had no allies, it was just Searlocke on her own. She was scared, but excited too. Whatever this gate had caused, it was sure to be very exciting. In the meanwhile, Searlocke wasn't looking to kill humans. She was looking for a different life.

Pictures: Searlocke Girly
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Searlocke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searlocke   Searlocke Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 7:53 pm

So when it comes to battles she's not good at fighting either long or close offensively unless Magic based attacks are used?

And just so I understand this clearly.


-Non-MP based combat
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Searlocke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searlocke   Searlocke Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 8:21 pm

Basically, yes.
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Searlocke Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searlocke   Searlocke Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 8:25 pm

Another great character application.

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PostSubject: Re: Searlocke   Searlocke Icon_minitime

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