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 Forum Etiquette--

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Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-08-08

Forum Etiquette-- Empty
PostSubject: Forum Etiquette--   Forum Etiquette-- Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2009 10:09 pm

    In Character Rules

  • No God-Modding
    God-Modding is when you make something that isn't fair for all users. For example, making armor that can't break or a spell that has a 100% success chance. Also, God-Modding is when you attack someone and hit them automatically without giving them a chance to react. None of the mentioned is allowed.

  • Auto-Hitting
    Auto-Hitting is a form of God-Modding. This is where you automatically hit an opponent without them getting a chance to react.

  • Meta-Gaming
    This is where you use ooc information to your characters actions ic. Such as knowing where someone else without them revealing themselves. Or finding out about a trap door even though your character has never been there before. All that goes under Meta-Gaming.

  • Power-Playing
    This is where you dodge or block every attack. A person has to take damage eventually and this is another sub form of God-Modding and will not be allowed.


    Out of Character Rules

  • No Religion
    No discussion of religion,that only leads to problems and those problems can be easily avoided if they aren't brought up.

  • No Racism
    No racism for obvious reasons, this could cause issues such as mentioned in the religion section above, the issues that can easily be avoided.

  • No Sexism
    This should be obvious, no saying one gender is better than the other.

  • No Flaming
    Flaming is basically arguing with someone back and forth while also insulting them. If you are going to flame someone don't do it in a post. Do it in a Private Message (PM) because no one else really cares what you are going to say to the person.

  • Spamming
    This is when you post often in an unnecessary topic or topics because your trying to build up your post count. If you are going to post in the chat room don't make it a continuity. It is okay and acceptable if you post in it but don't let most of your posts be a result of spam. If you do break this rule you will be warned. If you continue to break this rule then you will be banned depending on the severity.

  • No Using the Unapproved
    If you have something that is pending on approval then you shouldn't use it until it is approved. The Reason for this is because you might not get approved what you want, things will have to be edited and then you just ended up God-Modding. Which is another rule you'd be breaking, and this also causes a lot more trouble for everyone.

  • No Multiple Accounts
    You aren't allowed to make more than one account unless the other account is deleted. If we do catch you making another account then you shall be banned from both accounts and possibly your IP address depending on the severity.

  • Incomplete Rps
    Do not post in an rp that is incomplete, all you do is create more of a hassle for the people in the topic and you slow down the topic. Sometimes the topic may even die because of this.


    Approval Rules

  • No Being a Nuisance
    If you ask a mod or admin to approved the item you have applied to be approved it will only take us longer to approve it. It annoys us when you rush us to do something, we have our own lives to and aren't here just to approve your stuff whenever you want.

  • Always Listen To the Staff
    When the staff goes to approve something listen to what they say. If you argue they will most likely get pissed off and annoyed. It will also help your thing get approved more quickly, on this site everyone gets a fair trial and we don't play favorites.

  • Bumping
    You cannot bump a topic unless it hasn't been replied to for 48 hours. That is two days. We can check the time from when it was posted so make sure it has been at least 48 hours since the last post. If you do that before 48 hours have occurred then the countdown will occur from the most recent post and you will have to wait another 48 hours before it being looked at.

  • Before Making anything Else
    Before you make anything else, make sure your character is approved. If he/she/it isn't approved then you other items won't be approved either or even looked at until said character is approved.

  • Templates
    The templates are set up for a reason, if your to lazy to use them, then We're too lazy to approve your whatever it is you want approved. Get it? So No template equals no Approval.



  • Have Fun
    That is what this site was made for, too have fun. If your gonna be pissy all the time and be the killjoy of the site then don't bother being here. The staff have an excuse. Being a part of the staff can be stressful when people do stupid things on the site so sometimes we get pissy deal with it.

  • Ranting
    Sometimes a part of the staff will do it. Don't get butt hurt about it or take it personally. It isn't because we don't like you it's because you need to learn a lesson. So once your ranted on don't bother replying back because when we tell you to shut up, we don't want an apology we want you to shut up.

  • Don't Do anything Stupid
    Just Don't do it , it prevents us from ranting on you. But seriously...just don't -_-...

  • Topics with 'Mature' in the title
    In regard to these topics, do not open or read them if you are not prepared to deal with mature issues. The topic title will have a warning so if you go in there by mistake it should be easy for you to get back out.

(Note: Yes this site allows mature topics, for those topics put Mature in the topic title.)
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