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 Area Description--

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Join date : 2009-08-08

Area Description-- Empty
PostSubject: Area Description--   Area Description-- Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2009 11:45 pm

Chaos Realm
Chaos realm is a misleading name, it is actually anything but chaos and is an extremely organized Kingdom. It was named after the Chaos gate, which the first ruler had created and died with. He had made sure no one else knew about it for he had stumbled upon it unexpectedly, and this is how all this came to be. This is all made of stone, yet it is condensed stone so, even though it isn’t as strong as metal normally this stone is probably stronger than most metal that would be in blades and has a higher chance of breaking the weapon than the weapon breaking it. This is all a beige color, nothing that would normally stand out from a kingdom is there. There is everything that a normal kingdom would have, such as a market place, stores, blacksmith shops and etc.

Oblivion Abyss
A seemingly endless cave, one that is completely dark and is not able to been seen through, with a naked eye, whether human, demon or any type of creature can see unless they have some type of ability. Stalagmites and stalactites are plentiful and there are many rocks and sharp objects such as deteriorating bone from those that do not survive. This is practically a Maze, even though it is oddly simple enough to find through once you are able to see, it is difficult without the light since there are many things to get in your way. There are few areas of light however, there are some stones that do glow and give some type of light, though, if broken off and removed from where they are then they will only be able to glow for a short amount of time, (3 of the person using its post.). The cave is extremely large and it appears as if it is lacking a ceiling in some areas, opposed to others where you would have to crouch to ensure that you weren’t bumping your head. Though, it may seem threatening, it isn’t as horrifying as it appears.

Purgatory of Panic
Many Jail houses and slaughter house were in this area. It was specifically made to kill and has multiple traps in those buildings. It has an old set-up, most buildings are made out of stone, while some of the more sophisticated ones are made out of steel, which happen to be few however. The wooden buildings usually have three floors, build in a way so that if anymore floors were to be added to the top without complete reconstruction then the building would collapse, on contrary to the stone buildings. The stone buildings are set up in straight lines that have five of those buildings in a row. Behind the middle building which would be the largest with an arc gateway that leads to the back of the buildings which holds a guillotine. The fences surround these houses, are the only things made of metal besides the walls of the purgatory which are also made of metal and the only entrance and exit is the Main gate. There are three rows of the stone buildings, one on the opposite side of the Main gates, and the two on the left and right. At the center of the city, where if you look north you see the Gates, if you look to the west, east or south you see the stone buildings mentioned previously.

Dimension of Discord
This area looks like a nice suburban area, everything seems clean, non-polluted and healthy. It is deceiving to the eyes, for everything here isn’t what it seems. There are large fields, and few buildings, there are many types of beautiful plants that flourish no matter what time of year they happen to be in. The grass always attempts to grab at your fee, and slowly rise up to try to constrict you, that way they can suffocate you and end up using your body to feed themselves, though they always find means of food through photosynthesis otherwise if they cannot capture live prey. There are certain trees with pink flowers on them which set an aroma which causes small hallucinations and mild drowsiness. It is usually surrounded by the grass that consumes people in a way to produce easier food for themselves. Then there are shrubs, which each shrub it launches roots to anyone that makes contact with them which dig into their skin and attempts to suck all bodily fluids for their own needs of survival. The shrubs after consuming somebody goes into a defensive state where the roots are covering it’s more fatal parts and it is unable to be destroyed without any type of magic while in this defensive state for its first four posts.

Chaos Gate
Confirmed Appearance
  • This is the physical appearance of the gate not the surroundings.
  • The Gate is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Gate looks like this, so it didn’t get anyone’s attention.
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