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 A mere side affect everything is normal

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The Opportunistic Assassin

Posts : 49
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 31

A mere side affect everything is normal Empty
PostSubject: A mere side affect everything is normal   A mere side affect everything is normal Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 4:15 pm

(This happen's 2 hour's after the event's within south america.)

The moon's white pure light shone though very little though upon this place, however though there wasn't much moonlight there was alot of pitch black darkness all around this area hidden by a thick forest which surrounded the place. Slowly the mist around this old and desloate factory finally began to show something slowly he walked forward to this place that he had visited a year ago, yet it still felt as though he had been here yesterday. Finally he found himself infront of the front gate of this place still within the same attire he had on while he was in that cave in south america though now his hair had changed color's on the way due to the way he felt. Now though it was still straightened it was black with white streak's coming down why this happened though onyx is sort of unsure of though.

Looking up onyx already could see the many sign's that were on the front gate most of them were saying danger, or restricted, pretty much it was obvious that this place wasn't meant to have visitor's. Not only that but the gate's bar's each were heavily wrapped with barbed wire even if you had looked towards the top of the gate there was even barbed wire at the top of the damn thing. Another noticeable feature was the gate was the fact that it was about 40ft tall, though what caught the boy's eye the most was that though there was much barbed wire an old sign's of warning still the sign on the middle of the gate which had the name of this place still looked new and didn't seem to be effected by time or anything. Onyx looked up at most of the sign's realizing that they hadn't changed though still as he did one year ago he stood staring at the name of this place as he read it outloud to himself.

"Waffenfabrick, Der Riese....." The boy said with an emotionless tone, when he looked forward past the gate and the barbed wire something caught his eye. Staring back at him on the other side was a little girl with crystal blue eye's and blonde hair, their was blood spathered on the white dress she wore and in her left hand was what looked to be a teddy bear holding the bear by one of it's left arm. For a moment the girl and onyx stared at each other then dropping her bear right their the girl took off running leaving her bear behind running toward's the gigantic building. At this moment onyx still had an emotionless face as he then raise his left arm above his head the moment he did the patch of earth he was on began to rise up into the air around the same height as the gate. Taking his hoverboard off of his back he then latched it onto his right foot, his left foot being the free foot, at that moment he jumped forward for a moment he was airborne though with ease he landed. The hoverboard then sprung back into the air about 3ft as he then went forward following the little girl's path. Slowly onyx found himself within the courtyard of this place, looking around after a moment or two he finally found what he was looking for the teleporter.

After a moment or so he finally able to turn the power source though it wasn't the main power simply the link for one teleportation. As the boy stood on the pad then teleported pretty soon he found himself in the mainframe room. Though when he looked one way he saw the girl still running down one of the hallway's it was obvious that right he was being toyed with, but he had no other choice except to follow her trail. Once more he began to cruise behind her following the girl from about a 5 ft distance as she turned the corner's though finally she stopped running into one room. Quickly he followed her into the room she had lead him to the room that he actually needed though when he enter the room she wasn't in there it was as though she disappeared into the darkness of the room. Onyx slowly on the hoverboard cruised up toward's one of the wall's right their was just what he needed the powerswitch. Slowly looking around he saw that blood was falling from the switch and one the wall's there were many thing's written blood, however the darkness of the room made them unable to be read. Right there onyx gripped the handle of the power switch with both hand's. After a moment in a quick flick he was finally able to switch the power on however he may regret that choice. Watching room slowly become alive he looked out toward's the hallway as it slowly began to light up.

Though as onyx was about to exit out toward's the hallway what he was waiting for finally happened, right there he heard the sound of a demon laughing. Though as he looked out on the other side of the hallway where he had just came from there she was once more just staring at him her still her teddy bear wasn't in within hand yet. Watching her for a moment she then disappeared then the sound of a little girl laughing saying bye bye was heard though onyx wasn't alone for long. Right their coming charging out of the darkness was about a large horde of creature's just running toward's him he couldn't determine what they were since the light's weren't fully on yet though one thing was sure he wasn't staying to find out. Quickly gliding back into the room he then saw their was a teleport in their quickly rushing towards it the boy then found himself the moment his hoverboard went over the pad back within the mainframe. Though it didn't matter at all he hadn't escaped and it was easy to see that down one of the hallway's within the mainframe he saw another horde of the bastard's running towards him. Though this wasn't the only problem onyx had, pouring out of each corner of darkness and hallway of the mainframe were hordes of these creature's running towards him moaning screaming and aching to get their hand's on the boy. Know he finally remembered these creature's from the only nightmare he ever had of the last time he was here though now was not the time for thinking.

Already there was no escape route possible since they were pretty much less the 10ft away from all side's right there the blade's on his hoverboard shot out all seven on both side's as he quickly took his katana off of the holder upon his back. Right now though he already found himself looking at death's face the boy had a smirk on his face, ready to finally get started once more though it was finally time to have some real fun. Quickly going forward at his hoverboard he charged straight into the heart of the creature's swarming ready to finally relive this hell-hole loving each and every second of it. Though back outside as this began to occur everything still looked normal like a regular night as the moon's light fully began to show down upon this place Der Riese once more making it the place simply look like nothing was happening within it's wall's. Though sitting up striaght infront of the main gate's was the bear from early which was dropped it's head fixated forward as it awaited to see what would show through the thick mist.

The spirit wondering what friend's had this boy brung along surely he hadn't come here alone knowing he wouldn't do that. So their it stood that bear on the ground his head forward as his friend's inside seeked to end onyx no matter what the cost. Slowly his head began to turn as the bear stood looking behind him the bear started toward's the girl for a moment then simply sat back down after whispering to her. Right their the girl began to giggle from her hiding place as she then disappeared to get what the bear had said ready. Though this wasn't however the only thing that was outside far on the otherside of the corner near the teleporter, there the girl stood well once stood though now she returned able to hurry and finish what she had went to prepare. Her eye's were fixated as well she knew that they were more coming though the matter of time was simply all that was needed to withstand. She waited a whole entire year simply to bait one demon back, she was sure that she could wait a little more for simply some more toy's to play with after all she loved to play more then life itself.

(THis is the map right now onyx is in the mainframe everyone else is infront of the gate located above the mainframe.)
A mere side affect everything is normal CODWW_MP3_DerRiese_Map

(The next to Post has to be made by drakel.)
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Join date : 2009-08-08

A mere side affect everything is normal Empty
PostSubject: Re: A mere side affect everything is normal   A mere side affect everything is normal Icon_minitimeThu Sep 03, 2009 11:18 pm

It had seem interesting events had occurred when they were in South America, Drakel was able to analyze some of the personality types of the members that he wished to recruit for his cause, only, not members, more of--partners. If this group was going to get anywhere then they were all were going to have to realize they were all equal partners, and none of them had a higher authority than any of the others. Drakel, now pondered, he thought about each of them separately, first, the one known as Searlocke. She seemed to be, the most innocent of the group, most likely being considered the "nice" one of the group once they all had been official initiated into this institution of sort. The other, Selena, she was more, the type with facts, or at least with the rebuttal not wanting to purposely start issues with people she doesn't know, while also worrying about someone else, either that or trying to find a plausible reason for her appearance, either an intention to spite Divine, or to actually be considerate of Onyx. Speaking of Onyx, he was the one who delayed the meeting, or at least the signing of the contract which link them all together, yet, the contract wasn't the point, Onyx, seemed to be, the quiet one, most likely following authority wouldn't really be something he was necessarily be his forte. Yet, because of that he believed that he and Divine would have some issues...For, she was aggressive and by the way she seemed to be discussing things within the group she was going to be extremely stubborn, thus making Onyx and her the most rebellious, for Onyx would be outright defiant, as she would be just be stubborn and want to do her own thing. Drakel, now realized he would have to establish that if they were going to work together they'd have to work as a unit, which was the best way to work efficiently and quickly.

Some information had been revealed about each individual physically as well. Well, first, Divine, well..not much need to go through Drakel's head about her physically because well...he had a pretty good idea of her body in more than one way...Yet, apparently she wasn't the only one in the group with wings, that was, most interesting that Selena was one as well, apparently being an avian demon. That would prove to be quite useful, the only thing Drakel would need to figure out what her wing span was so he could determine what type of flying she specialized in, for, it would be foolish to send someone without knowing them to their full ability when they could be doing a suicide mission because of certain unknown factors. And, yet, another one with a tail, Searlocke, things were turning out to be quite coincidental, though Drakel's tail was still the most deadly when it came to that area, even if it came just by the design, for, its design was just for the purpose of piercing, slashing, cutting and all those types of melee attacks that could be used with normal blades. Onyx...he was unique, he didn't reveal any of his demonic features, though, he could have been showing them, but they were just eccentric, or had he not discovered them? Possibly he would have to wait until considered an adult as a human calendar would predict it to reach full development? That was something he would have to confront this demon about, though, right now wouldn't be the time, for these matters, was something that he wouldn't have to focus on to be sure it was going to be done with full efficiency in order for the objective to be complete, whatever the object might be.

Drakel sat there, his tail slithering around the escape resembling pod, he wondered what would await them their, the coordinates, they were written them, it seemed that he had control over earth, that was something he should take note of, and would want to see his experience with it. Though, that would be asking to much of him, and would only demonstrated if in true combat. So, he sat there, the pod dark excluding the few lights which were on the controls seeming to be virtual...which they were, these were necessary to be on constantly, such as the navigation system, and the power buttons, though there was a cover over them so that they wouldn't have to see the light if he wished to rest, though he hadn't if anything he was anxious and fidgety. He closed his eyes, all three, not resting but focusing, in all honesty, he had no idea how this was going to turn out. And that was a thrill to him, he became lost in thought, imagining what Onyx could have prepared for this, though, his thought was interrupted, it seemed that he was arriving to the destination. The orb came to a sudden stop, yes, in a literal sense it could turn on a dime, so as it stopped it descended at a speed so that it would harm the passenger, obviously being Drakel. He opened his eyes, if someone were to see him at this point, they would see pitch black, only his eyes because of the light from the buttons and his third eye, glowing red, menacing in appearance as it always was to those average human. Yet, even to demons, or at least, a few, it seemed to be an eccentric feature that he possessed. The reptile found it something to be proud of however, so, he didn't mind what others thought about it, which was just showing more eccentricity than others that wasn't anything to really be ashamed of, or paranoid about.

The pod opened nothing climactic like the whole smoke coming out before revealing the persona, though it was pitch black. For, only the moon had shown and that was in another position, the silver lining of light only hit covered a portion of the area around him, the rest was pitch black, though his eyes would develop, and if not he would use his Basilisk's pupil, if needed. He stepped out, his tail, slowly following, making his vehicle seem a lot longer that it was by the way he took his tail out making it seem that it had been placed within there in the longest way it would have been. Drakel walked forward, seeing the mist slowly appearing, a factory was shown as he stepped closer, though he wouldn't intrude, first was examining it, second, he would have to wait for the rest of them, it had seemed that he was the first one to arrive here. Or at least, from what he believed, he wondered when Onyx would arrive, this was his mission after all...or well business he had to take care of. The warrior had seen many signs, they were all warning them to go away, though he couldn't make out the title of the one that appeared on the gate, this wasn't something that worried him at this moment though, he was examining other parts of this. The gate had barbed wire, it seems they'd have to find another entrance, or break through, unless the ones that were able of flying were willing to give a ride to those that couldn't. That should be arrangable, well hopefully it would be anyway.

In all honestly, Drakel hadn't cared if this place had not wanted anyone in here, he was extremely curious as what Onyx had been up to. He looked at the gate once again, focusing on a sign that hadn't seemed to age, as if it was brand new, the name was in German, so he couldn't pronounce or understand what the word "Waffenfabrick, Der Riese" Happened to be. Looking past the gate he noticed that the factory looked like a normal one as if nothing weird was happening within it, peaceful, he wondered was this just simply to gather information or was there something more to it? That was extremely, confusing to Drakel's minds, or, was it a trap? Of course, if Onyx was coming here, then there had to be something to go against, he didn't seem to leave in the middle of something unless he needed too or he'd miss the chance. Though, after examining a building, right before turning he noticed a bear on the floor, it was, odd for a bear to just be lying there on the floor. The jack of all trades now stepped back, turning around and leaning on the pod he came in, waiting for the arrival for others, but wondered why the bear was there, it seemed out of place, and, even though he moved back, it seemed to have been watching him, its eyes looking slightly higher than before, exactly where he was now leaning, opposed to where he was just standing moments ago. "Things will be...interesting.." He said, talking to himself, some odd habit he had obtained at childhood.

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