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tht fkn fairy

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Join date : 2009-08-08
Age : 30

Lilith. Empty
PostSubject: Lilith.   Lilith. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 4:30 am

Name: Lilith, Alias: Angel

Gender: Female.

Age: 23.

Race: Genetically enhanced and revived human. (admin approval, lawlz.)

Home: Born in Australia and tends to be there most, but travels a lot.

Alignment: Good. (Human-aligned)

Elemental Affinity: Light, Fire, Lightning.

Weapons & Fighting Style: Lilith uses only two weapons in combat, being a spear and a sword. When using the spear she will either use it as a means of close range combat, or throw it with incredible aim at her opponent. She will either fly around and throw it down, or throw it from the ground at her opponent. When using it at close range she prefers slow but powerful strikes over quick and weak ones.

When using swords, however, she attacks as quick as she can aiming to overwhelm the opponent with a flurry of attacks. She moves quite quickly and is capable of a high number of attacks in a short time. While using her sword she normally accompanies it with a small shield, or later on she may use another sword.

Personality: Angel is caring and compassionate to all those who deserve it. She has a slightly serious personality, but can also be very upbeat when the situation calls for it. She is quite the crusader for the humans, and on most days she is protecting them and the whole planet from the demon attacks. Due to her genetic rearrangement she has a natural distrusting of nearly all demons, but has a place in her heart for those who prove they are okay to her.

Appearance: Lilith fits the mould of a beautiful girl, long brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and quite pale skin. She is approximately 5'8" (or is it 5"8' :s) and has a thin but muscular physique. She wears a simple white dress, that has singlet sleeves and falls down just short of her knees. It is fitted, and there is a thick black ribbon tied into a bow just under her bust. Her most startling feature, however, is her two massive wings that sprout from her back. They are both huge and reach about 11'8" seperately. This makes her total wingspan about 23'4" (I think), which is huge.

Strengths: Lilith is good at fighting, mainly, which is the sole purpose of her revival. She has above average strength and speed, but her magic power is average. She is also quite open minded, in spite of her genetic coding to resent demons, and if she thinks they are 'good' she will accept them. She also has a good sense of who is good and who is evil, but it is not foolproof.

Weaknesses: When it comes to defence, Lilith is practically a novice. She is terrible at defending herself as she is so focused on dealing damage. She also takes a bit more damage from magic (10%) than most do, and a bit more still (20%) from dark magic. She is normally pretty hostile towards evil demons, and also finds humans who sympathise with the evil demons pretty much disgusting.


Quote :
"So, you probably wanna know what happened to make the world like this huh? Well, it's kinda a long story and I don't really understand it completely myself, but what I do know is they don't belong here. They came from the ocean to begin with, a massive gate thing opened up right in the middle of the Atlantic. They just poured through, like ants running to sugar. They started taking over the world, killing people like we were animals. My family is gone because of them. And I'm not the only one.

Our nations are being slowly taken over, one by one. We pretty much let them get Africa to begin with, we were too weak to oppose them. They have slowly started to consume our planet, and they were well on the way to destroying it before we fought back. They tried to get into Australia, but we held them off. We aren't being pushed around anymore.

Humans have started to go through the gate to their world. We are taking back what is rightfully ours. They can't just come and take what they want. It's not how it works.

I'm going to make sure none of them survive. They will fall to our strength. It's there turn to be afraid."

Days after sending this message out to anyone who was still unsure about fighting or not, Lilith Watson died in battle to a horde of demons. Her body was saved by a comrade before any of the monsters could consume her, and moments later their squad retreated back to their base.

Scientists tried to revive her.

They failed.

They didn't give up. She was the most determined and powerful soldier of their army and they had to save her. So they tried something else, something so untested and inhumane that most would look upon them as less than humans for doing it.

They injected her with parts of demonic energy.

But they feared what would happen to her if they left it as simple as that, so they added some immense light energy that became harvested after the demons invaded.

To their partial shock, it worked.

Lilith, or the Angel as she was soon known, was reborn from the dead. She was nothing like the demons though, she was something different still. She had demon in her, and only the scientists knew that, but she was a crusader for the humans. She was their shining light.

After weeks of them testing her to make sure everything was fine, she has just been freed out into the world again. And her story picks up outside the allies protected base in South America.


General Appearance:


Wingspan/Appearance of Wings:


(P.S: I know this is kinda short, but I've done this and the internet failed... twice. So I kinda just wanna get it done. .-.)
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Posts : 438
Join date : 2009-08-08

Lilith. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lilith.   Lilith. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 12:56 pm

Yeah you told me about the internet.

Conceded shining light >.>

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