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tht fkn fairy

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Join date : 2009-08-30

Faye Empty
PostSubject: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 4:26 am

Name: Faye

Gender: Female

Age: 4092

Race: Demon Fairy

Home: Oblivion Abyss

Alignment: Good

Elemental Affinity:

Weapons & Fighting Style: In combat, Faye usually uses her magic ablities to make attacks on people, she is constantly dodging attacks and can do so for quite awhile, thanks to being so small and zippy. She tries her best to tire out her opponent so she can attack them with magic.

She uses a staff to poke people in the eyes with(srsbtw.). When she attacks with the staff she is quite aggressive and constantly attacks, but thats only at things that are her size, otherwise she uses it to cast spells.

She has a spell book, that she reads and learns spells from.

Personality: In general Faye was normally nice to anyone, but now she is more tough on people, she makes sure of what side they're on before treating them nicely. If someone attacks her, she usually isn't very nice. She acts very mischievious, because she's so small and that no one really knows where she recides, she knows she can get away with stuff. She doesn't get annoyed easily or anything, she's usually very calm and collective.

Appearance: Faye can easily be told from a human and a normal demon, simply because of her size. She is only one foot in height. She has light blue skin that is very smooth and long dark blue hair that goes past her waist. She has pointy ears and a pair of blue wings with a wing span of two feet. Faye is usually found wearing a short white dress, dark blue thigh high pointy toe boots and a pair of dark blue gloves, all underneath a black cloak.

Strengths: Faye has a very low temper, it isn't easy to get her mad, she might not be happy with something but she'll always be calm about it. She is good at getting on peoples nerves, simply just mentally and by using her size to do stuff someone bigger couldn't. Even though she can be annoying and mischieveous, she is generally a good person and gives everyone a chance. She may seem young and naive, but her looks are decieving, shes very smart and wise, thanks to the time she has lived. Even though she can be annoying and mischieveous, she is generally a good person and gives everyone a chance. Physically, she's flexible, fast and is very good with magic.

Weaknesses: Of course, because she's small, she doesn't take hits very well at all. Sometimes she can plan too far ahead, or see too much of the bad side of things. Her ultimate weakness is that she'd be amazed to find someone else like her, she'd instantly cling to them.

History: A very long time ago, in the Oblivian Abyss, where there was a ray of light shining through from the broken ceiling, Faye was born. She was literally tiny. Her parents were fairies, along with everyone else who lived around the family. The fairy race lived in the lighter parts of the Oblivian Abyss, but so deep in, that someone without the power of light wouldn't be able to get there. Even though they were fairies, they were still considered demons and that they were. There were thousands of faires, they just didn't use up much space thanks to their size. They lived in one of the safest places in the Demon world. Everything those days was... peaceful. Even other demons who made it that far in the caves were peaceful creatures, or maybe the fairies were just isolated.

Faye took awhile to frow, after her first hundred years, she was still just a kid. Her parents were the nice kind, who gave a lot of service to the small community they lived in, mostly because their daughter would cause a lot of trouble with almost everyone around. Faye was always keen to go on adventures away from town and deeper into the caves or maybe for an adventure to the outside, either way, she wanted to know what was out there.. but at her mental age, that was something she couldn't do. So she carried on, causing trouble throughout the caves.

At the age of 1003 her wings finally grew to a size where she could fly properly, she was now at the age of a teenager and was a lot smarter, when she caused trouble, she learnt how to not get caught at all. Her father took her deeper into the cave, taking his wand with him to keep the light up, it seemed to light up as far as the two could see. Her dad then taught her how to use her wings and magic, mostly light magic so she could get around the caves a lot easier. After the first time learning how to use magic, she wanted to know more about it. With time, she grew up, learning more about energy and the types of magic she could use, she was very good with her magic, her energy power for a fairy was higher than normal, but he wanted to keep it a secret, a lot of power could ruin lives.

So, growing up she became smarter, learning the usual lessons in life and so on. It was one day that the young fairy decided she wanted to go out on her own. So she did. Taking her staff and spell book with her. She cast a light spell on her staff so she could see where ever she was going. She traveled for days, which wasn't long in terms of a fairy her age. She saw another light, maybe it was the end of the cave! She sped towards the light, to be disappointed that it was just another ray of light where the ceiling had fallen down.. who knew what was above. She looked ahead, wondering whether to go on or not.. Suddenly she saw another bright light, but it was moving, maybe it was another person, she wasn't sure who it could be so she hid begind a rock and let the light on her staff die down as she did so. The others walked past.. they looked foul and dangerous and spoke another language.. They didn't look like people who came in peace.. She had to tell the others! But if she followed she'd have to make a bright light and they'd see her.. She had no idea what to do, it was only two days away from where everyone else was. So she decided to wait. She sat there for the two days, tears rolling from her eyes as she thought of what could be happening to her loved ones.

After waiting, she quickly made a bright light and flew straight back home, it only took her half a day with the speed she was flying. When she got there, all there was, was the placed absolutely crushed and the bodies of the big people lying across where fairies lived. Everyone was dead. Maybe some had gotten away, but where would they go? Certainly not wait around.. if only Faye had gotten back to tell everyone about these people earlier. She figured, not all people with the power of light have the light in their hearts. There was no one to tell her what to do, no one to make trouble with, no one to help Faye, she had to get away, to somewhere else where she could get other stuff.

So, just as fast as she did with flying home, she flew far away from home, so she could get out of the cave. The second she got out of the cave she looked around, squinting her eyes a bit.. Everything was just so bright. She traveled to the Chaos Realm, a big city, civilisationg was just the same as always, just with bigger people. Some people were harmful looking while others weren't, some foul and some kind, they were bigger through Faye's eyes and if they were to actually notice Faye, she was a lot smaller. She went into a shop where they made clothes, she already had her outfit, she just wanted something to stop people from seeing her face or something, so she asked the makers to make her a cloak, she was uncharged for the fact that it used up hardly any of the fabric there.

Even though she lived in the city, where people would say theres not much space to do what you want, Faye found that there was more space to practice magic and to fly around. She carried on with her magic, writing down spells as she was now making up her own, everything became so easy and simple, she went to the library lots to learn about different kinds of demons and whatever else there was to learn that she could over the two thousand years she was there. She didn't need to make money or a place to stay, all thanks to her size. Everything was going good again, until that one day, the one day that ruined it all. The Chaos Gate had opened, people were leaving the city to see what was outside of this realm. Something the demons did there must have set these new people off, they came through the gate too, bringing chaos to this world, both worlds were falling apart, the library had been burnt down by these, these humans. They had to have their reason for this though.. it all just seemed like another thing to Faye, there were still no other fairies around so she couldn't care less. Aslong as the humans and demons didn't attack Faye, she'd happily go along with whatever. One thing she wanted to do though, was help bring peace back, but how could someone so small do something that big.
Faye Anime_fairy_water

Last edited by Faye. on Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:21 am; edited 4 times in total
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tht fkn fairy

Posts : 72
Join date : 2009-08-08
Age : 30

Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 4:38 am

I allow this fairy to post this incomplete thing.

Why is that a rule anyway?
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Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 12:48 pm

It's only for RPs.
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tht fkn fairy

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Join date : 2009-08-30

Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2009 1:15 am

Le bump of completion.
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tht fkn fairy

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Age : 30

Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2009 1:55 am

Kay I totally can't read the whole history right now so I'll do it soon Smile
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Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2009 2:04 am

  • Born in Oblivion Abyss
  • Born to a family of fairies considered demons
  • Dad teaches her some light magic
  • She grows up and tries to find her way out
  • Gets lost, then worried about her family, go back and see them all dead.
  • Runs away, goes to chaos realm, gets a cloak for free
  • Practices magic until she gets better at it
  • Everything seems fine, until the chaos gate is open

I sent it in a PM, but you're on your iphone, so when you see this, delete the post and go on with approval and whatnot.
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tht fkn fairy

Posts : 72
Join date : 2009-08-08
Age : 30

Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2009 2:23 am

K that's fine. Everythings fine but you are really very eXtremely weak physically anyway. Approved.
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Faye Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faye   Faye Icon_minitime

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