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 .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds

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PostSubject: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 2:11 pm

This place was alot more crowded then Paris surely, there were more noises and alot more crowds. It was cloudy, that day. Grey and full clouds consumed the sky, giving most of the skyscrapers a grey scale touch to them. The air was cool, but comfortable and everywhere there was people. Magnus Parisan's so called successor whom inherited all of his money after his sudden death last year strangely a few days after the gate had first opened had journeyed here by flying in those giant metal birds that humans piled into to go to other countries to escape work or go to work. It took hours to get there but through the whole way the demon felt sick and hated the smell of frozen food being served on the plane. It was crowded, noisy and bumpy the demon had muttered about how he might just swim back to his beloved Paris. Now here he was in the middle of some crowd with people pushing past him and shoving to get by. Now the demon was getting annoyed, he would have loved to kill each and everyone them. It would decrease the population of these f*cking rabbits anyways if only by a small amount. Though in a huge city such as New York, it wasn't a good idea to go crazy and begin murdering people so others can call for help. His hands were shoved into the pockets of the trench coat he was wearing so that his large nails wouldn't catch the attention of human eyes. His eye were hidden behind sunglasses that did make him look a bit suspicious in the daylight with no sun out but since the mass of humans were too busy in their daily lives they didn't take in that aspect. Most of his black hair covered his navy blue markings but the rest that could be seen were hidden by make up to cover it up. Remus did right now look completely human. The male turned to an alleyway, finally leaving the mass of humans which he was sure had the same brain. The male began to look at his surroundings, a girl was there. She was about nineteen, wearing skin tight clothing and lots of make up. She would have been very beautiful if he skin wasn't so wrinkly and her eyes weren't so baggy from the overdose of drugs. He walked slowly near the prostitute and she stared at him and smiled. A customer? Yeah.. Right. He removed his hands and brushed them over her cheek gently, seductively. His face went near her forehead and kissed it, Remus was no incubus but playing with his prey was the best seducing method. His hand moved down girl's chest, his nails cutting through the fabric the girl hadn't noticed and was too busy trying to find where his wallet may be in his pants. Now his teeth were near her neck closing in on it. His two large canines sunk in and she immediately froze in terror. Now his nails were ripping through her flesh and through her ribcage, she was already dead by the time he pulled a few vital organs out and devoured them. He let the body drop to the concrete, she wouldn't be missed that's why he weeded her out. The one's that won't be missed were the first to hunt then others shall soon follow. This was his mission. He turned away from the bloody mass and looked out back at the crowd of people on the street, too absorbed into their cellphones to notice what had happened. So oblivious, so easy to kill.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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.::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 2:50 pm

"D*mn feel bad for that b***h oh wait no I don't." The boy said watching some random girl get pretty much torn apart by at first what looked to be a normal guy just out and about except he's wearing sunglasses with no sun out whatsoever. Honestly the only reason he was watching cause he was about to drop down their and kill them both followed by the crowd however this guy ruined it by making onyx wonder who this guy really was and if he could that to anything rather then just a five dollar hoe. He looked over the end of the large building overhead watching this for once this boy actually had a shirt on if you could consider it one since it was as tight as his skinny jean's were on him. Still his steel grey hair which had red streak's straightened out hid his eye's pretty much still wearing the same shoes. Honestly the boy was here for two reason's one to kill and the second was to get some new dud's and kill more, though now the plan was completely compromised simply cause he wanted to check out this new guy. His hoverboard and katana were still hooked up to his back in an X formation so he deicided to simply play while still up there. Looking down at his new mystery friend dressed all in black he began to whistle down to him as he sat down on the side of the buliding overlooking the alleyway looking down toward's him though most his upper facial features from the nose and up couldn't be seen because of his straightened hair hiding his upper facial feature's.

"Nice a hooker, while your at it try for a....let's see....a missionary...priest or something else that I like to kill....theirs plenty of umm here." Onyx said in a regular tone hiding his accent though there were actually alot of people around them right now he spoke just loud enough so that he may be heard. Keeping his usual malicous smirk on his face he awaited for this new guy to respond to him, hopefully the worst reaction he could get from him is for him to attack however that's the only reaction that the boy actually wanted to see from this guy.
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PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 7:00 pm

Turning away from the mass still moving on the street like some growing ameba the male looked back at the body lying on the pavement. It seemed pathetic, a useless husk on the ground with a large hole in it. The blood was still pouring out, most of the flesh was still there, his pack back home would have scolded him with the waste of meat now being consumed by ants that came out from behind the dumpster and the gnats that seemed to come out of no where. Of course he would have gotten a beating for the large mass of decaying bodies and bones under his house back in Paris. The male would have been severely punished for that but where were his pack members now? Were they back in the world which he came from or had they come to look for him? Most likely the first option the demon thought to himself relieved. They would pronounce him dead but would they would also weep for their great death ceremony could not be done since his body was lost. The great death ceremony was to burn the flesh of the dead comrade and devour it. Not something Remus was interested in but it was his duty to partake in the act he actually hated the idea of being consumed like one of the prey even if the ceremony was sacred. Still the idea pondered him that perhaps he may need the help in the future especially with step three of population cutting but for now being on his own was excellent. A voice was caught in his ears, male most likely by the deepness to it, instinctively he looked up to see the male with two objects strapped to his back talking to him. He bared his teeth for a second, the pearl white edged teeth and the all too large canines became visible; a low growl came from the back of his throat, a low animal sound was heard if only for a second. He had been watching him hunt, he had seen him kill. The hunter had not seen the presence near him, of course he was a bit angry. The hunter demon took a few seconds to fix his coolness about the situation and replied to man but the reply was in french before he caught his tongue and realized that the male had spoken in english, thank goodness for those tourists back in france. "People tend to notice if a figurehead is gone, humans also tend to act up for a foolish belief. Not too bright are you?" He laughed slightly as he said hat to the male.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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.::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 7:32 am

Looking at this guy after he responded the number one thing he noticed was that right their before he had noticed him he had taken a trip into his mind, though when he finally did notice he simply looked at him still sitting down on the side of the large building his leg's were dangling over and he was swaying them back and fourth as he listened to him speak right their and right before he did that show his teeth though their feature's couldn't be precise determined it was obvious that he had used those on the carcass on the floor so those were definitely a weapon of this new guy. When he finished speaking onyx simply cracked his neck then looked down at him still with his little smirk on his face right there the boy simply stood up standing on the side of the building leaning himself forward then back he simply crossed his arm's taking a breath in as the boy finally began to speak once more.

"Ya see that's the thing I'm guessing that you like to simply go and kill willy nilly oh let's say an example being little Suzy two dollar right there, while if you were me you would kill little Suzy two dollar than while I'm at it head back into the crowd and take out as many as you can there. Though there is also the fact of what you told me stating people tend to notice when figurehead's are gone...That's another reason why I do it, throw people into panic and when they decide to come after me...well that's their last mistake."

At first when he finished talking he began to walk back and forth on the side of the railing, he was obviously screwing around with this guy not acting serious what so ever in tiniest matter though that didn't matter for it was very easy to see this, not to mention the way he spoke and moved the only thing that was sorta serious were his word's. Once more taking another breath and sitting back down on the building the boy began to speak once more.

"Sir if you find it hard to believe that I'm not bright then wow you may not be all that fun as I expected you to be."

Onyx said this last one with much sarcasm now he was just pushing to get underneath this guy's skin after he would do that he would see how far he could push this one until he snapped.

Last edited by Onyx on Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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.::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Empty
PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 2:49 pm

Reckless one wasn't he? Remus thought to himself as he stared at the boy who was sitting on top of the building, letting his feet dangle off of it. It did occur to Remus that he would have found it pleasing to see the male in front of him slip off the edge of the building and hurtle to the ground and then when hitting the ground maybe a few bones would break. The sound of bones crunching seemed to be like sweet music in his ears even if it was just his imagination. The truth was those vital organs in which he ate from the girl just weren't satisfying and hunger filling enough. She had been skin and bones, no meat. He needed meat, muscular plus this boy was annoying and was probably going to get killed sooner or later. Accusing Remus of killing all 'willy-nilly' (a human expression that Remus always found strange) but boasted about how he would kill her and more humans. This made him roll his eyes from underneath his sunglasses. This person was very annoying and was starting to get on the hunter's nerves. Inside of his mouth his sharp back teeth gritted and his dark eyebrows furrowed slightly. He whispered lowly so that the male could not hear from above"Suicidal Idiot" As the male said the word fun the demon had to chuckle at it; fun meant an entirely different thing to him then the boy actually meant it to be. The demon's claw hand moved up near his face and carefully not to be cut by his large and deadly nails pulled the dark sunglasses off. His eyes under it were a light cyan blue iris that circled a large black pupil; they were normal looking enough from a human perspective. There was really nothing to show under the sunglasses; the only reason he took them off was to get a better look at the male whom now was walking near the railing of the roof without the darkened lens. Shoving the sunglasses into his trench coat's pocket he began to speak in his heavy french accent again "Mon ami, if you want to kill them go ahead. I prefer to surprise my enemy rather then go on a loud noisy massacre in the middle of a city in such a barbaric way" He gave a bit of a sneer to the male on the roof.

OOC: Sue me it's short
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 6:16 pm

Once more onyx kept looking down at this guy as he sat up there on top of the tall building he simply kept looking down at this person slowly wondering what the heck he was talking about. Actually surprise people that was one of the most stupid moves you could do to onyx, sure I mean it was fun sometime's, but to do it all the times that was just plain cowardly. "So What your telling me is that you go around and simply stab everyone and their mother in the back all the time, or jump out of the shadow's. I don't know doesn't that seem a little I dont know.....bitch like to you......" He said know he was just plain try to get under the other's one skin and this fool didn't take long to show that he had a short temper the moment he heard that accent....a french one. As well this person was obviously of demon descent as he had seen early from the attacking on suzy over there. So he wanted to simply once just what that small little remark would do maybe he would get something from this person who know's maybe he'd get the answer he finally wanted from this guy he was unsure. Though what he was doing now seemed to be working so he merely got up and started walking on the side once more back and forth awaiting his response from his friend in black. Dropping himself back down swinging his leg's again not taking one eye off of his friend down there. Just incased now he even tried anything right now he would simply read his facial expression's another thing onyx found quite useful.
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PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 7:11 pm

It wasn't until the world 'bitch like' that the demon's attention reached full blast. His pearl white fangs were out again, his cyan blue eyes narrowed on the stranger. His left hand twitched twice, the clear crystal like substance of his nails glittered in the shadows of the alley. The male watched how the boy moved, again back and forth on the building. It was so irritating; watching him back and forth, back and forth. A low growl was caught in his throat, sounding like some of the animals that roamed this world though this was kept to a minimum volume so that the male on the building could not hear the low pitch growl but it could be clearly seen that he had his teeth exposed and bared fiercely. Remus just simply glared at him as the stranger on the roof for a few seconds before speaking to the male "Bitch-like?!” He yelled out, unexpectedly to him. He caught himself for a second; was he really that angry? Hell yes. A deep growl grew in his mouth, even louder then before, loud enough so that the person on the building may have heard it. His fingers bent as though they were about to claw someone, even if they were still hanging at his sides. His two large canine teeth were bared as he spoke again, looking up at the male. ”Don’’t you dare just sit up there. Come and fight me!” It came out as a shout surprisingly; Remus was pissed. Very very pissed.
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The Opportunistic Assassin

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PostSubject: Re: .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds   .::New York::.Streets and Mindless Crowds Icon_minitimeWed Sep 02, 2009 9:06 am

Now this is just what the boy wanted to see and quite possibly hear right now this stranger had the lust to have onyx ripped up into shred's just because of his one comment. Right their onyx for a moment thought that he should go down there and give him the fight which he wanted. Though right at the last moment when onyx stood up to go down their and greet his guest the only way he know how he simply yawned then sat back down swaying his feet back and forth once more within the air. "Now your getting mad at me and growling and staring at me with your big old blue eye's....when I simply stated a the basic fact of what you say that you do. Now that I ruffled your fur your throwing a temper tantrum like a child, what's next your going to jump up and down? Honestly now that I think about it your not much different then most of the idiot's in that crowd over there." Onyx stated his tone a voice still had that sarcasm in that he knew would probably piss this guy off even more. Once more that just what the boy wanted to see happen, he knew what he was in for and he simply couldn't wait for that little real angry side of this stranger to show. So he simply sat there still looking down straight back into the eye's of that guy. Still his malcious smirk sat there upon his face taunting the stranger, in a goal to merely see how far he could take him before he snapped though if onyx was thinking well that would be sooner then he thought. Well hopefully more sooner then he had expected within the beginning when he first began to have a chat with this guy.

(Eh sorry it's not that long.)
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