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 Succubus: Divine

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Bitch of Nightmares

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Succubus: Divine Empty
PostSubject: Succubus: Divine   Succubus: Divine Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 7:11 am

Name: Divine

Gender: Female

Age: 130 years

Race: Nocturneus--Succubus
(A nocturneus is a type of demon in a demon the name says, they mostly go out a night, they have wings and horns, blah blah blah stereotypical demon stuff. A Succubus is a creature from medieval myths that liked bad things to dudes. .-.)

Home: Oblivion Abyss

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Elemental Affinity:

  • * Illusion



Weapons & Fighting Style:
Although hardly experienced in combat situations, Succubi* (...plural for Succubus...come on people,) have developed special skills for fighting, most of which borderline with high speed and agility ratios, making them difficult to hit and very annoying to pick fights with. Divine herself keeps to those two particular strengths, while also using the manipulation of illusions to keep their minds off track and off focus. This leaves them very vulnerable to attacks, though demons of the Nocturneus family are not known for their high strength, and such surprise attacks would only do up to mildly average damage.
Divine uses two weapons: An MRAV pistol, and a staff named Fornecus. The pistol, however, can only be used when Divine is using The Illusion: Human Nature, where she appears to look human. Because she only has three fingers as a demon, she is unable to use the pistol in such a form.
Fornecus, however, can only be used in Divine's true form, being that of a Succubus. As mentioned earlier, Succubi have only three fingers, and the special synthesis of this weapon allows her to attack in a closer range, while using magical attacks to compensate for her lack of long ranged attacks in those mode.

Depending on the situation at hand, Divine can be the nicest person in the entire world....or she can chew off your head and spit the remains down your neck. She tends to maintain a certain illusion of emotions to go alongside the illusions of her physical self.
Divine has three forms, and therefore three persona; the human named Sinna, a divine Angel, and her true self, a Succubus.

Sinna is portrayed as a kindly young lady who loves to help, for some reason, wounded demons. People think of her as sick and twisted, but she seems to have a knack for taming even the worst of them, and is seen in the constant company of a weasel-like demon called an Inugami. A wanderer, Sinna tries her best to help resolve the ranging conflict between humans and their demon foes....

An Angel is classified as a Divine in the species of demon. They are naturally stuck up, and think themselves higher than any being on the planet, making them extremely annoying and difficult to work with. They are also quite narcissistic, and they love their own outer beauty as compared to the other demons. Most consider them closest to God, and consider them "Law" demons, who work for the order of one kingdom under the hands of their lord, God. As "Law" demons, Angels fight against their allignmented counterparts, the "Chaos" demons, to attempt to have complete and total order in the world.

Finally, the Succubus named Divine. Divine herself is a manipulative, cruel mind whose love for "hunting" comes only after her love of seduction. Toying with emotions, the desires of the heart, and a person's fondest memories, Succubi can easily rip a man to pieces without so much as lifting a weapon. This particular species of demon enjoys torturing males of any race, but have found a deep liking for human males. She has a ferocious temper, to go alongside her rather ferocious techniques of....torture?
Divine is aligned with the neutral faction between law and chaos, although her goals can be rather chaotic. She works solely for her own desires; killing and seduction, and will do whatever it takes, even go to extreme lengths, to get exactly what she wants.

Divine has three persona, therefore three appearances.

Sinna is a girl of about 5' 6", and towers over most of her friends. Her hair is a milky brown, and she has a set of bright blue eyes, which can be green depending on the light. Sinna is mostly seen wearing a blue sweater (rather sloppily knit) which is missing the shoulders, and is azure in color, and a pair of long, dirty bluejeans with sneakers. On her head, she wears a blue hat with a pair of antennae, and a golden smiley face on its front.

The Angel looks like every other angel, but with varied faults that give her a different appearance. The band around her eyes, instead of being marked with white, is actually marked with blue, and her hands have a pair of shackles on them, unlike other Angels who have none at all. She also wears a pair of earrings in her ear, but are hardly noticed because of her blonde hair.
Angels are scantily clad, and usually wrapped in (.-. some twisted programmer's fantasy) leather bondage and chains. All Angels have blonde hair, and their eyes are covered by a band which depicts an eye of some sort. They also have feathery wings, and like all divine demons are humanoid in appearance, and even have the ability to speak human.

Divine, like most nocturneus, is a tall woman with distinct features which only her species has. Her skin is a dark, rosy color, and her lips are naturally black, although the reason is unknown. Her hair is deep red, flowing down to her back, and usually in a long ponytail. The attire of Divine consists of very...revealing armor (which really doesn't suit the purpose at all, when you think about it,) which has ancient runes from the demon world carved into it, and is silver and crimson in color, depicting her clan and her race of demon.
Divine herself is a Succubi who prides herself in a demons most notorious features, being her tail and her horns. Her tail is long and thin, and like most stereotypical demons is arrow-shaped at the end. The horns of a Succubi usually show their superiority in their clan, and look muck like that of an antelope. Divine herself has large horns, which show that she is stronger than most of her fellow clan members. Succubi also lack five fingers, only having three, but those three fingers have claws that retract, and are as sharp as knives. However, attacking an opponent, especially another demon, with ones claws is considered an extreme offense in the unspoken rules of neutral demons, and one can be banished from a clan for doing so. They also have a pair of large, batlike wings, and two horse-like hooves instead of feet, making them faster than the average human being.
Most Succubi can only speak human dialect by making contact with the lips of a human, though some have actually been around that race long enough to understand the language. Most Nocturneus speak in a secret language, which consists of hissing and shrieking.

Divine has a knack for persuasive abilities, and possesses a strategic mind. She uses her talents of seduction as leverage against most males, and can be very useful for not only blackmail, but potential distractions as well. Her biggest talents include being able to maintain the physical form of both an Angel and a human girl, and keeping 'in character' when her plans need doing so. The ability to keep her emotions and her thoughts locked away is also key in her style of life and her style of battle.
Divine has high magical powers, being able to embody several different people, but she can also use this for attacking. She also has very high stats when it comes to speed, luck, and agility, making her very difficult to hit, and a pain to fight.

A majority of Divine's weaknesses are physical, though her one emotional weakness is her consciousness, which flares up once in a while. She sometimes wonders if perhaps demons and humans could live together...Her temper is also raging and fearsome, and when her plans don't go the way she wishes them, she flies into a fit of rage.
But her physical weaknesses include her obvious lack of upper body strength, and her very weak attack power. Her defense is also very low, as well as her ability to take a hit, as it takes her longer to get up than normal demons.

History: (Aw damn....I need to get used to playing a new character .-.)

Shortly after the demons invaded the human world, Divine lost her father and mother to an onslaught of attacking human soldiers. Despite being told to stay with the other fledglings, Divine went ahead of the Accomplished Succubi and killed seventeen soldiers before she was tossed back behind the front lines by her Aunt.
This hurt, followed by the natural curiosity for lust and the want of blood, would be the first thing to fuel the growing demoness to her current state of mind.

When the demons invaded the human world, Divine was a young fledgling in her clan, and was considered weak. The power among the clan was simply determined by the number of "hits" a clan member received during their long and rather expansive life. Those who had never gotten a taste of such a power, were considered lowly and weak among the clan, and more often than not, eaten.
Longing to finally seek power among her fellow Succubi, and fearing death, Divines' initiation was to find a human male, and bring him back to their siege camp outside the nearby city. Divine entered the city, disguised as a peddler, and captured a young man who had simply been wandering too late outside in the middle of the night. (poor guy.)

That night, Divine finally got her first taste of the power she and her fellow clan member had, and became one of the best hunters in the squad. Priding herself in her methods of both torture and seduction, Divine rose quickly in the ranks of her clan, until she was considered its leader.
Divine ruled her clan with an iron fist...a fist which even her Aunt disliked. Soon, there was a rebellion within her own ranks, and the leader of the clan soon found herself in a battle against hundreds of her own kind...and her own kin.
The fight is revered as one of the most brutal in all of the records of the Nocturneus, and to this day many of that species marvels at how Divine managed to live as far as she did.
But the mistake she made....was using her claws to swipe at the eyes of her accuser, another Succubus named Shaama. Shaama was forever blinded by the event, but Divine herself was ex-communicated from her kind for the rest of her life, doomed to walk alone as long as she lived.

Divine soon became a sort of hitman for the demons, working with other races such as the Haunts, the Fallen Angels, and even the Earth-Mothers. Although disgraced as a member of her own race, she has risen in respect with other member of the demon family, and often called upon for missions which extra push.

But Divine works for the destruction of all humans, blaming them for not only her bitter life, but her dismissal from her clan. She works tirelessly to formulate a plan to finally annihilate them a single blow....and she'll need all the demons help, law and chaos, to do it.

Pictures: Wheeeeeeeee! <3

Succubus (credit to NeMAfronSpAiN)
Divine:Angel (credit to SMTOI)
Sinna--(credit .-.)

QUICK! Before you say anything about the forms....yes, I'll be paying magic for them. ....duh......otherwise....that would be....godmoddy.
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Succubus: Divine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Succubus: Divine   Succubus: Divine Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 11:54 am

Very Impressive.

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Succubus: Divine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Succubus: Divine   Succubus: Divine Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 8:40 pm

Wait just realized something that I didn't when I was half asleep and reading this.

You said young when the gate was opened, the gate was opened a year ago.

Unless they have a different aging span of which you didn't mention of...
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Bitch of Nightmares

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Succubus: Divine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Succubus: Divine   Succubus: Divine Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 6:16 am

I'd like to think of fledglings as "teens" she's more along the lines of a young adult. >:3
Call it an age transaction.
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Succubus: Divine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Succubus: Divine   Succubus: Divine Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 9:24 am


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